Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Defending Restoration-Spirituality Against Anti-Christian Ideologues, New Ageism, and Atheistic Nihilists Who Ask "Why Bother Re-Constructing Beliefs?" (Blog Series)

 Table of Contents:

> Why bother with an Emergent Mormon Worldview? Joseph Campbell and the Power of a Worldview

The Right Ears to Hear: A Brief Comment on Exmo' Forums

> Bullet Point Summary on Why Atheism Leads to Disrespect of Fathers, Dictatorial forms of Communism, & Nihilism

If on Atheism we Construct Our Reality and are Make Believing Human Rights and the Guilt or Innocence of Criminals as Americans (when on Atheism there is actually No Objective Meaning, Personhood, Free Will, and Morality/No Rights which are all an Illusion and Make-Belief on atheism); then Why Not Make-Believe in God, Meaning in Life, Personhood, and Free Will, etc.

> Make-Believing in Forced Equality of Outcome and Equality of the Sexes compared with Nietzsche's Honest Atheistic Religion to Heal Humanity & Align with Reality

Emergent LDS Equation: more good = Mormon = beautiful = happy = loved by God

Patrick Bet-David on "Everyone Has a God" & Nietzsche's Deconstruction of the Worship of Truth by Atheistic Thinkers 

Bullet Point List On Why I Identity as LDS Culturally & Want the Church to Thrive (Even If I'm not a Chapel-Mormon)

Relational-Spirituality versus Self-Centered Spirituality & Tribal Ideology

Spiritual Stories as Guides to Overcome Selfishness & Build Mature Character Virtue