Friday, July 29, 2022

Scripture-focused Non-LDS Movements & Sects as an Option

 In this blog series I am going to present the option many take when they choose not to "sustain the LDS Brethren," yet rather than be "Anti-Mormonism" and abandon their Mormon Heritage, some choose to be a Nondenominational LDS or Independent Mormon and focus on LDS Scripture only and not go to any church. Others choose to be part of a non-Brighamite Joseph-Smith-based Restoration Branch/Church (or what I call the "Restored Ecclesia"):

> Start here: Big Tent Mormonism: Beyond "Mormon Demoninationalism" Toward "Unified Mormonisms"

The Case for "Scripture Focused Mormons" & What that Means?

"Scripture Focused Mormon" Resources: Recommended Brighanite and Non-Brighamite Scriptures, Websites and other Restorationist Books, etc.

How the "Standard Works" (Mormon Canon) itself Teaches The Authority of Scripture over Fallible Leaders

Scripture as the Mode of Becoming "Vitally Alive" through the God-Breathed "Implanted Word" (Logos) to Salvation (Deliverance) and Empowerment (Exaltation)

Should Prophets Be Ordained through a Succession of Offices held in Senority?

Come in at the Gate of only Joseph Smith's Revelations (D&C 43: 2-7)

The Restored Ecclesia & The Utah-based Church as a Corporation and Social Club

The Authority of LDS Scripture (Standard Works) versus the Tradition of the Elders?

"Saving Knowledge" & Educative Ordinances As the Core of The Smith-Pratt Paradigm

Mormon Scripture through the Smith-Pratt Lens

The "Divine" as the Good Operating Dimension (G.O.D.) that Produces The Garden of the Good (Ecclesia)

This is the Gospel!

The "Church" as the Zion-minded True Vine: A Loving People United as One in Genuine Friendships

Is Revelation obtained Only through Brighamite Church Presidents? Or is Revelation a Gift of the Spirit available to All Mormons?

3 Bullets Point Summary On Scripture-focused Mormonism That Is At Odds with Brethrenism

Comparing Jesus' Words in Mathew 15 & 23 in The Remedy to Brethrenism

Mathew 23: Those Who Sit in Moses' Seat in the Joseph Smith Translation (JST)

The Smith–Rigdon Movement: The freed spirit of expression among the various Book of Mormon "sects and movements"

The Same Pattern of an Inevitable Tension between Philosophical Mystics & Controlling Dogmatists, Repeats Itself in both the Bible and in Mormonism

Jesus and the Samaritans & The Restoration Branches

The Early Church & "Tithing"

The Restored Ecclesia & Organic Church

> PureMormonism blog-site posts on Brethrenism

Being an "Independent Mormon," "Non-Denominational Mormon" or "Free-range Mormon"?

The Modern Nauvoo Mormon