Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Mormon Vitality & Equality: Money, Ambition, & Equity in Zion: The Restoration as a Balance of Muscular Christianity & Mystical Oneness (Blog Series)

On Ambition, Business, and Wealth Building in Mormonism:

The Better Way of Earning Money (Riches) in order to Do Good (according to Mormon Scripture)

The Smith-Pratt Mental Model on Wealth & Power in a Nutshell

> Excerpts from the Writings of Parley P. Pratt on Ambition, Business, & Financial Kingdom Building for Zion

Joseph Smith's Spiritual Philosophy as a form of Muscular Christianity or the "Vitality" of Mormonism: 

Zion as One Heart with Everyone Esteeming The Other as Themselves in Moses 7:18 & D&C 38: 24 -27

The LDS Godhead: Lady Wisdom & The Feminine Creative Side of the Divine