- Emergent Mormonism as an Interpretive Lens: A New Kind of LDS Christianity: An introduction to this blog.
- The Emergent Paradigm: This post explains how I interpret Mormon scripture through Marcus Borg's historical- metaphorical paradigm and John Spongs' midrash and mysticism views of Scripture.
- Scripture as Art: Reform Mormons and Scripture, and by the same author: Reform Mormons and Scripture (links to another blog)
- Bullet Point Summary of the Core Tenets of Emergent Mormonism (as a Humanistic Spiritual Pragmatism)
- Defining "Emergent Mormonism" as a New Religious Approach & Spiritual Path [Coming soon]
Links to Articles on the New Testament as Parabolic Scripturalization (or Midrash; a.k.a Figural Reading) which can help better Understand Mormon Scripture through similar Interpretive Lens:
- Scripturalized Narrative in the Gospel of Mark and the Second Temple Period (SBL Annual Meeting, 2020) by Nathanael Vette. This short article does an excellent job summarizing how the Gospel of Mark is largely a midrashic or a narrative scripturalization of Old Testament texts.
- Scripturalization in Mark’s Crucifixion Narrative by Mark Goodacre
- Midrash and the New Testament: A Methodology for the Study of Gospel Midrash by Miguel Pérez Fernández. See page 367 of the ebook Pdf here. If link does not work, search Google for the book The New Testament and Rabbinic Literature: Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism, Editor Hindy Najman Volume 136.
- The Interpretation of Scripture: The Use of the Old Testament in the New (Links to several Articles on Midrash or Figural Reading of the Hebrew Bible into the New Testament)
Recommended books on the New Testament as Midrash
> Biblical Literalism: A Gentile Heresy: a Journey Into a New Christianity Through the Doorway of Matthew's Gospel by John Shelby Spong
> The Power of Parable: How Fiction by Jesus Became Fiction about Jesus by John Dominic Crossan
> The Amazing Doctrines of Paul As Midrash: The Jewish Roots and Old Testament Sources for Paul's Teachings By Edward J. Vasicek
On Mormon Scripture as Parabolic Scripturalization (or Midrash):