Even though this website is mostly a defense of what I call Emergent-Mormonism or Independent-Mormonism rather than Brighamite Mormonism that is in support of what I call Brethrenism. To be fair and balanced, here is my best good faith effort to present a positive case for sustaining the LDS Brethren and the case for a more Structured Hierarchical Church via Brighamite Mormonism and the options of being a New Order Mormon or a True Believing Mormon:
> Start here: Big Tent Mormonism: Beyond "Mormon Demoninationalism" Toward "Unified Mormonisms"
> In Defense of the Brighamite Sect: The Cycle of the Invisible and Physical Church
> The Scriptural Case for Sustaining the Brethren despite their Flaws and Imperfections
> The LDS (Brighamite) Religion as Pragmatically Useful to Overcome Cultural-Nihilism
> Books by Atheists on How Science Proves Moderate-Religiosity can be Healthy & Make us Happier