Friday, October 20, 2023

Respecting your Heritage & The Selective Birthing of the Mormon People as a Quasi-Ethnic Cultural Identity and a Peoplehood (Blog Series)

Introduction: Defining a "Heritage-Mormon" (Lineage, Cultural Tribe & Birthright) 

My Journey Reconstructing a New Mormon Worldview

Bullet Point List of Why I'm a Heritage-Mormon (or Why I am LDS Culturally): Or Why I'm Not a Catholic, Protestant, or Secular-Atheist & Why I Want the LDS Church to Thrive (Even If/When I'm not a Chapel-Attending Mormon)

Big Tent Mormonism: Beyond "Mormon Denominationalism" Toward a "Unified Mormonism"

Respecting your Heritage: The Book of Mormon: Plain and Precious Truths, a contemporary English version of The Book of Mormon

The Case for Mormon People as a Quasi-Ethnic Identity and Unique Culture:

>  Gene-Culture Coevolution & The Domestication of The Mormon People

Ex-Mormon Jonathan Streeter argues for the "Truth" of Mormonism by Seeing Mormonism as an Evolutionary Living Framework of Action, Ideals, Tradition and Heritage

Nauvoo Polygamy as Nietzschean-like Selective Breeding of Supercouples toward Creating a separate "Nicer" People (Peoplehood as The Kingdom of God)

Birthing the Mormon People through Plural Marriage by Selecting for Elect Men to Bear Noble Preexistent Spirits & Grow in Power and Dominion

 > Evidence that Mormon's are "Nicer" i.e. More "Christian" than Others through a Selection Process of Personality types and Character traits 

Big 5 Personality Theory & How Mormon Culture Filters in more Agreeable, Conscientious, and Friendly People

The New Covenant of the Priesthood and 1800s Plural Marriage as the Means to the End of Raising Up a Righteous Seed (Peoplehood) and Generating Zion as a Circle of Friends

The LDS "Good" as Life Affirming & Species Preserving: Jacob 5 on Ripe Fruit Bearing Seeds in Good Cultural Soil to Grow Healthy Peoplehood

The Kingdom of Heaven as Selecting for Good Fathers with Civilizing Ideas, Upright Behavior Habits & a Receptive Child-like Attitutude Passed Down from the Lineage of Patriarchal Fathers projected onto the Father God-idea that encapsulates Healthy Fatherhood and Tribal Fairness, Unity and Civility