Saturday, February 24, 2024

Bullet Point Summary on Why Atheism Leads to Disrespect of Fathers, Dictatorial forms of Communism, & Nihilism

Here is what I've come to realize as of 2024, in a simple Bullet Point structure: 

  • God as "Father" symbolizes  fatherhood (as at the very least an archetype
  • Mary as "mother of God" symbolizes motherhood
  • Jesus as the Son symbolizes the ideal son of a father as healer of wounded souls
  • This is a family: Father, Mother, Son (as depiced below in an Eastern Orthodox icon)
  • Thus to believe in God is to affirm the family unit as the ideal

Atheism historically is not just the absence of belief in God but is at its developmental roots, anti-patriarchy:

  • The etymology of patriarchy is basically fathers presiding in homes
  • Good fathers presiding in homes leads to good (or healthier) children, becoming good citizens which produces a healthier more civil Society

  • Atheism ends up attacking not just the "Father God" idea but by extension the father figure and undermines respect for fathers and father led homes by promoting directly or indirectly radical 4th Wave Feminism which is based in "satanic" and occult anti-Male ideology as covered in these books:
Satanic Feminism: Lucifer as the Liberator of Woman in Nineteenth-Century Culture. by Per Faxneld


Occult Feminism: The Secret History of Women's Liberation Paperback by Rachel Wilson

  • This "satanic" and occult anti-Male ideology is based on antagonism toward men and fatherhood and it has basically infiltrated much of secular-atheist far-Leftist academia and media, and has morphed into anti-Christian political ideologies and policies; which has incrementally led to the removal of fathers from homes due to the rise of occult feminism and disrespect toward fathers in the culture. The removal of fathers from homes increases poverty and crime, for example most men in prison were raised by single mothers (without fathers in the home).

  • Crime and poverty and societal chaos leads to uncertainty and public fear, which causes greater government control and power as the government and its control mechanisms replaces what fatherly theism previously provided through the ideal father and mother and son, and father led homes. 

This in brief is why I've learned that Atheism leads to radical 4th Wave Feminism, dictatorial forms of Communism as psychopathic and dictatoral personalities eventually seek to replace the Universal Father Idea within theism (that grounds belief in respect for fathers). Meanwhile, the turning away from the Universal Father imagery and ideal, and objective morality and ethics (rooted in part in the stability of the two parent family), leads to a psychological orphan effect: that of unconsciously feeling abandoned by the Universe without belief in the universal divine Father to buoy one up psychologically from sinking into a dark abyss of nothingness.

This lack of meaning in life, of an objective ethical Right and Wrong, and a higher purpose, leads to hedonistic selfishness and nihilism. This is why the atheist Bertrand Russell admitted that an honest atheism leads to accepting the state of unyielding despair

When you move past adolescent atheism by defining God-belief as "a man in the sky" -- and you become mature and sophisticated in your understanding of the origin of religion and theology -- you begin to realize that to present Jesus as King is to give honor and respect to manly strength and the leadership qualities and characteristics that lead to one becoming a good king or leader. You begin to see that referring to God as a "father," represents the universal Father Figure in general and the protective householder; and so to believe in God, to worship God, is to worship the ideal of the Father Figure, the ideal Householder (the protector and provider), who provides healthy order and structure to a family; which is the best way to produce healthy children that grow up to be good citizens that produce a healthy culture. 

You realize therefore that to worship, or believe in God, is to elevate fatherliness and motherliness to the highest status of respect and honor. To go into a church and see images of the Mother Mary and God as the Father and Jesus as the Son, you have the basic model of a family; and so you have in God belief and God worship, the honoring of and respectfulness toward the family unit. 

So to be the type of atheist that makes fun of religion, rejects "God" and denegrates the Father God, is to join the "satanists," and I don't mean satanist hyperbolically but as a socially psychological label: for modern satanism(s) are ultimately at their core a philosophy of rebellion against the Father Figure, as a philosophy of adolescent selfishness and moral-anarchy as allegorized in the book Lord of the Flies. It is the rejection the Stoic virtues of self-control and win-win synergy and instead it is a philosophy of win-lose and hedonistic selfishness and objectifying others for personal gain. 

So to say you believe in God is to say you believe in not just the ideal family, but as a man it means you believe in yourself as a Man. For, as a man, you biologically feel driven naturally to want to be respected and elevated in status and honored which is what "God" is, the ultimate status symbol of respect and honor, the highest of the highest "leadership roles." To honor God is to therefore honor your own manly drives for territory, status and strength as a protector and provider of your household. Declaring Christ as King is to honor the manly leadership role and "kingly" (householder) status with the woman as the "queen" of the family. 

It is to also believe in the heroic ideal in general, as Christ himself is a model of the hero archetype: as he heroically emptied himself of his ultimate power and status as the Logos, to descend to become a servant-bestower of wisdom and heal people psychologically with a philosophy of unity and joy; which did in fact change society for the better in the last 2,000 years. As belief in God and Christianity has literally changed our moral consciousness for the better and inspired art and literarture, and built cathedrals and universities; and produces good parents and neighborhoods and societies when the ethical principles of Christianity are truly exemplified.

 What has atheism or agnosticism or secularism really offered us that has substantially improved our souls, our culture and society? 

As I see it, Atheism, or the idea that the heavens are empty and thus there is no real accountability nor objective Good or Evil, has directly or indirectly, inspired: Stalin, Pol Pot, Nazis, satanism(s), fourth wave feminism, wokeism, reverse racism, degeneracy, and the decline of Law and Order; with the divorce rates increasing and more fatherless homes, and a rise in selfishness and self-absorption, cynicism, nihilism and philosophical pessimism; resulting in depression and unhappiness from a general sense of existential meaninglesses.  

God belief on the other hand gives one piece of mind and a meaning and purpose in life, resulting in a sense of peace from feeling grounded in a divine Source and lifted up by Hope

I think it therefore logically follows that to actively disbelieve in God, and in particular to be antagonistic towards "God belief," and mock faith and ridicule belief is to indirectly attack masculinity and fatherhood in general and by extension it undermines an ultimate meaning in life, an objective morality (as the grounding of law and order), and  removes all sense of hope in something real or "solid," something everlasting.

So that even if one has doubts and questions as to the existence of God, would it not be wise for the person to think deeper about their skepticism, cynicism, or atheism; and consider what impact such beliefs and attitudes has on themselves psychologically and on those around them, and on society at large and on future generations?