> Introduction: The Four Main Godhead Theories
> Why Bother Understanding the More Origional LDS Godhead theories?
> God's Body by Non-LDS Biblical Scholars (How the consensus of academic scholarship points to the God of the Old Testament having a body)
The Pratt-Hyde Godhead Theory:
- A Summary & Excerpts from "Orson Pratt and the Expansion of the Doctrine and Covenants" by Brian C. Passantino (2020). Here we learn how Orson Pratt practically canonized his theology in the new editions of the D&C and how he likely added new scripture to try and block Brigham Young's authoritarianism and his Adam-is-god dogma.
The Twin-Genome Godhead Theory:
> Short Summary & Overview of The Twin-Genome Mormon Godhead
> Orson Hyde Confirms Father and Son "[resemble] each other exactly in features and stature."
> Ethan Smith on the Trinity & Christ in the Old Testament as a "Medium" (Form of "Appearance")
> The "Mind" of Lectures on Faith (Part 1): The Meaning of the Mind in the Fifth Lecture on Faith
> The "Mind" of the Lectures on Faith (Part 2): Lecture 3,4, 6 and 7
> The "father" of God the Father Explained (Part 2): The 3 Main Types of Fathers in Mormon Scripture
The "father" of God the Father Explained (Part 3): How the Deity of The Lectures on Faith generated ("fathered") a Prototype (Progenitor) as a "Personage of nooma (Jevohah's form)" as Part of the Deity's Pre-Earth "Spiritual” Creation
The "father" of God the Father Explained (Part 4): The Book of Ether and the Panoptic Vision of the Brother of Jared and God's Prescient Mind of Philonic Forms
> The "father of God the Father Explained (Part 6): Holy "Fathers and Sons" as Seeds to generate the Seeded Garden (Kin[g]dom) of the Deity
Neutral Theology Affirming All Godhead Theories:
> Noomatic Gene Therapy by Matthew Thiessen
> The LDS Godhead: Sophia as a Heavenly Mother Figure? The Feminine Creative Side of the Divine Nature
> Nietzsche's Will to Power and Joseph's Spirit of Intelligence