Sunday, September 3, 2023

Exploring Theories on the Mormon Godhead (Blog Series)

Introduction: The Four Main Godhead Theories

 > Why Bother Understanding the More Origional LDS Godhead theories? 

God's Body by Non-LDS Biblical Scholars (How the consensus of academic scholarship points to the God of the Old Testament having a body)

The Pratt-Hyde Godhead Theory:

The Twin-Genome Godhead Theory:

Short Summary & Overview of  The Twin-Genome Mormon Godhead

Jesus as a Duplicate Seal (Facsimile) of Jehovah, the Only Monogene of the Father, & Christians as a New Species Seeded by the Sperm/Genus of Christ

> Orson Hyde Confirms Father and Son "[resemble] each other exactly in features and stature."

Ethan Smith on the Trinity & Christ in the Old Testament as a "Medium" (Form of "Appearance")

The "Mind" of Lectures on Faith (Part 1): The Meaning of the Mind in the Fifth Lecture on Faith

The "Mind" of the Lectures on Faith (Part 2): Lecture 3,4, 6 and 7

The "father" of God the Father Explained (Part 1): The Lectures on Faith as the Authoritative Interpretative Lens of Joseph Smith's 1844 Sermons

The "father" of God the Father Explained (Part 2): The 3 Main Types of Fathers in Mormon Scripture

The "father" of God the Father Explained (Part 3):  How the Deity of The Lectures on Faith generated ("fathered") a Prototype (Progenitor) as a "Personage of nooma (Jevohah's form)" as Part of the Deity's Pre-Earth "Spiritual” Creation  

The "father" of God the Father Explained (Part 4):  The Book of Ether and the Panoptic Vision of the Brother of Jared and God's Prescient Mind of Philonic Forms

The "father of God the Father Explained (Part 5): The "father" of Jesus' Father" as the Sun-like Supreme Power of all Starry Personages & How "The Angel of the Lord" is a Medium of Jesus of Nazareth

> The "father of God the Father Explained (Part 6): Holy "Fathers and Sons" as Seeds to generate the  Seeded Garden (Kin[g]dom) of the Deity 

The "father" of God the Father Explained (Part 7): The Seventh Lecture on Faith on how the Father is the great prototype

Neutral Theology Affirming All Godhead Theories:

Noomatic Gene Therapy by Matthew Thiessen

A Summary of How God's "Seed" (Sperma) Produces A New Holy Spieces like a Bright Garden of Glowing Fruit

The LDS Godhead: Sophia as a Heavenly Mother Figure? The Feminine Creative Side of the Divine Nature

Nietzsche's Will to Power and Joseph's Spirit of Intelligence

Orson Hyde's Diagram of the Kingdom of God & A Chain of Belonging as Tribal Psychology & Familial Will to Power

Nauvoo Polygamy as Nietzschean-like Selective Breeding of Supercouples toward Creating a separate People (a Peoplehood as The Kingdom of God)

The Chain of Belonging and "God" as The Eternal Compound in One - One Eternal Round of Divine Species (Star-like Ones); A Genealogical Family of Supercouples: The Deity as Ahman (God and His Monogene) & the Intelligences as Parts of the Supreme Deity; As the Sun is to lesser Stars, the "Father of lights" is the Supreme Source of all Celestial Bodies (Planets and Supercouples as Gods)