Thursday, April 6, 2023

The "Divine" as the Good Operating Dimension (G.O.D.) that The "Divine" as the Good Operating Dimension (G.O.D.) that Produces The Garden of the Good (Ecclesia)

 In the following I will argue that the "Divine" can be thought of as the Good Operating Dimension. So if we first, allow for the possibility of "God" as the Ground of Being and second as "see" God as the emerging power of The Good working through and within human psyches; then God can be thought of as ultimately a force (an Idea) that acts upon minds as a force for good that works against malevolent Powers

The New Testament uses the language of planting and harvesting to describe this definition of G.O.D., and Evil is metaphorically described as the "weeds" that choke the organic seed-growth of the Christian seedbed-of-Ideas that act within human minds to produce the metaphorical Garden of the Good (see God's Garden by Jonathan Mitchell) that emerges when the Good Operating Dimension reigns in human hearts.

Jordan Peterson explains that between Chaos and Order there is centering Consciousness and Being or my definition of G.O.D. The ancient Stoics called this natural operating dimension in the universe, that governs and sustains order and glues all the causal laws in nature in harmony, as the Logos. The Logos was the principle in nature that seems to organize chaos, reward nobility, and unite all into a Whole. In the Hebrew Bible, or Old Testament, this natural operating dimension in Stoicism was described as basically the Good, or as Divine Wisdom.

So what Christianity did was combine the Stoic Logos with the Hebraic concept of Divine Wisdom. The biblical scholar, Peter Enns covers biblical Wisdom in his books. In short, Divine Wisdom is the underlying operating intelligence of reality working through human minds and culture, ideas and words that form The Good. 

So the Good Operating Dimension (G.O.D.) is divine Wisdom working through inspiration and insight, prophetic utterances and ethics spanning thousands of years of moral development found in the Hebrew Bible. Wisdom is the accumulated knowledge from trial-and-error and debates found within Hebrew scripture itself; that forms The Good as we know it; and is also the wise path to what the ancient philosophers called The Good Life and what the Hebrews called Shalom; and what Jesus of Nazareth called the Realm of Heaven that can be enacted here and now when one taps into the Good Operating Dimension; which Jesus described using horticultural imagery and the phenomena of Nature, see Is Christianity Going Anywhere? Part 3. of The Recovery of Jesus’ Teaching by Lloyd Geering.

From Loyd Geering and Jonathon Mitchell, we can see that the Good Operating Dimension is described by Jesus as the organic flowering process of the growth of Goodness, which is what it means to be "born anew from above": which means to take on the principles and values of The Good Realm. The "Word made Flesh" is the poetic language of the Divine Filter entering humanity to reveal the path of the Good. 

The way of the Good is therefore basically the call to "be ye doers of the word" (James 1:22), as in enacting the Good: implanting the seedbed of good Ideas through good behavior, growing the Good Garden as a Civil Society. The ethical teachings of Rabbi Jesus becomes the Good Operating Dimension (seedlings of Wisdom) taking root in human psyches: in order to produce a change in consciousness and character. Thus generating the creation of an interdependent societal change, from first on the individual human level up to institutions. So that a domino effect of transformed human hearts, like a garden properly planted and watered grows with health and vitality, the seedbed of Christianity generates the Good Humanity living more in peace and harmony (or at least more good than when humanity is i planted with Evil ideas).

Jesus uses metaphors from horticultural to describe the Good Operating Dimension, as divine-like Wisdom operating within the dimension of the human (via language, imagination and emotional contagion) which he describes using the symbolism of the organic processes of seeds planted and sprouting in good soil: like a mustard seed growing into a large tree-like shrub

This is done to describe the human soul undergoing a transformation toward being "born from above" (that is transformed into the living the ideals of the heavenly Realm of the Good); as in the heavenly Realm manifest within the transformed human heart and mind and then manifest through the fruition of humanity's internalization of the Vision of the Good: with hearts and minds becoming ripened and growing to fruition with humans acting like God as they embody The Good, which represents "God" on earth; as their transformed hearts and outward actions of goodness is "God" manifested among us, as divine Wisdom, as Love & Goodness, enacted in the world.