Monday, February 24, 2025

God's Body by Non-LDS Biblical Scholars

 The following are books and articles by non-LDS academic biblical scholars (who hold the consensus view among scholars), that the God of the Old Testament had a body (which aligns with LDS theology on God the Father's embodiment):

  • The Embodied God: Seeing the Divine in Luke-Acts and the Early Church by Brittany E. Wilson. Wilson challenges the prevalent view of a disembodied God by arguing that early Jews and Christians often envisioned God as having a visible form prior to Jesus being born on earth.

JST John 3 on the "Fulness"


In my post here, I pointed out that the Lectures on Faith Emphasize divine theosis or deification through receiving the pneumatic ("noomatic") fullness of the Godhead. This fulness is a literal filling up of a divine fluid material substance (as explained by Parley and Orson Pratt). This is further substantiated scripturally in the Joseph Smith Translation of John 3: 34-36 below:

34 For he whom God hath sent, speaketh the words of God; for God giveth him not the Spirit by measure unto him, for he dwelleth in him, even the fullness.

35 The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things into his hand hands.

36 And he that who believeth on the Son hath everlasting life; and shall receive of his fullness. and But he that who believeth not the Son, shall not see life receive of his fullness; but for the wrath of God abideth is on upon him.

Note that this is from the book Joseph Smith Translation by Kenneth and Lyndell Lutes: wherein the Lutes show the original King James version Joseph Smith was working from and the words added by Joseph Smith are in bold; and the words crossed out are the words Joseph Smith took out. We can thus see that Joseph Smith had a clear understanding that divine life through the Son was the divine fullness of the Godhead through the Spirit (or Pneuma/Nooma). This is reiterated later in D&C  131:7-8 when Smith clarifies that all spirit (pneuma) is refined spirit matter or "spirit atoms" (as explained  by Orson Pratt).