Sunday, April 23, 2023

Is Revelation obtained Only through Brighamite Church Presidents? Or is Revelation a Gift of the Spirit available to All Mormons?

 In their statement of beliefs, the Mormon Restoration branch, Church of Jesus Christ With Elijah Message, states:

Divine revelation continues in modern times consistent with examples in the scriptures. These are given in dreams, visions, signs, gifts, and His word to whomever He chooses. (Also see Belief #7) (Joel 2: 28; I Cor. 12: 3-11; Alma 9: 21; II Nephi 26: 13, II Nephi 29; Moroni 10: 8-24; Mormon 9: 7-8)

Source: Taken from their Articles of Faith (Reference: “Faith and Doctrine,” The Church of Jesus Christ With the Elijah Message, Headquarters at Monongahela, Pennsylvania)

Thus, we clearly see from the verses quoted above (which I provide links to) that anyone in the church as the body of Christ has access to the gifts of the Spirit. The apostle Paul and Joseph Smith were simply more advanced experts in receiving revelation. See the article 1 Corinthians 11:3–16: Spirit Possession and Authority in a Non-Pauline Interpolation by Christopher Mount. Based on this article, one could argue that when Joseph Smith was alive he was the "spiritual master" at that time.

This is why Hiram Page was scolded in Doctrine and Covenants Section 28 for trying to create confusion and disorder by claiming revelations as a seer himself, which contradicted Joseph's revelations.

After Joseph Smith's death, one of his alleged successors, Brigham Young never claimed to continue the position of revelatory "spiritual master" as was Joseph the Prophet. Thus the "presidents" of the Brighamite sect for many decades avoided being titled "prophets, seers, and revelators," and were called only church Presidents. Today, any Mormon (Latter Day Saint), as the collective body of Christ, I believe can claim revelation and by their fruits you shall know them.