Friday, April 22, 2022

Temple Symbolism & The Pearl of Great Price Made Easier on the Abrahamic Covenant

In his book The Pearl of Great Price Made Easier (2009), David J. Ridges offers a detailed analysis of the verses in Abraham chapter 2 on page 128 of his book. Ridges explains the Abrahamic Covenant in verses 9-11; and on page 132 of his book, verses 9-11 are explicated with words in italics and brackets by the author to emphasize that Latter-day Saints become the seed of Abraham by adoption/inheritance through basically acting out the Abrahamic Way.

Reading Ridges' book, it was clear to me that the Procreative Way of Abraham is basically a prototype to imitate; as Abraham acts as an example of the expanding exalted gods. Achieving "exaltation" is thus entering into the Abrahamic Covenant of celestial marriage and expanding ones seed/progeny eternally (See D&C 132:19; 63) just like Abraham (who did so on earth and does so now eternally).

Ridges helps distinguish between immortality and eternal life. He explains that the phrase "life eternal" in Abraham 2: 11 means exaltation which he says means "becoming gods and living in the family unit forever." He then references D&C131:1-4, pointing out that immortality is for everyone who enter one of the Degrees of Glory, but exaltation (eternal life) is for those who achieve celestial glory by entering the Abrahamic Covenant. Thus, reading Ridges, I could see that eternal life is equated with eternal lives as we read about in D&C 132:19. He then points out using inserted brackets that there is a distinction between immortality and eternal life in the Joseph Smith Translation in Moses 1: 39: "immortality [resurrection] and eternal life [exaltation] ..."

On page 133 he quotes again Abraham 2: 11 and adds his own words in brackets: "...for I gave unto thee a promise that this right shall continue in thee [make sure we honor the priesthood and the priesthood ordinances we have received] ..." He then states that in verses 12-13, Abraham "has been saved from death on the altar. He has seen the Savior and, though still childless, has been told that his prosperity will grow into nations ..." Ridges does not say this, but as I have discussed elsewhere, I see this as Abraham being depicted as a heroic figure (as liberator from puritanism), by risking his life to preach science to the Egyptians (Abr. 3:15)  and the Abrahamic Way. Smith himself was taking a risk in introducing plural marriage, and in fact the Abrahamic Way did lead to his death. 

In the book, Temples: Sacred Symbolism, Eternal Blessings, David J Ridges writes on page 64

"general scriptural symbolism ... Loins: prosperity; preparing for action (gird up your loins)."

So if we combine this understanding of the word Loins with Abraham 2:9-11, we see that in the temple ritual when one speaks of  "health in the loins" and " power in the priesthood", and one's "posterity," that that means a healthy sex drive and potency of bodily Seed/Priesthood for reproduction "throughout all eternity."