Sunday, December 31, 2023

Emergent LDS Equation: more good = Mormon = beautiful = happy = loved by God


One thing that benefited me in reading and listening to Nietzche was the empowering psychological energy in his words. Most people misinterpret the parable of the Madman where Nietzche proclaims the "death of god." This is not considered a good thing by Nietzche. In fact, he spends the rest of his life reinventing the "concept of God" in a way that in his mind aligns with the forces of nature and biological reality. Thus he says things like:

“I should only believe in a God that would know how to dance.”

Source: Thus Spoke Zarathustra

He is trying to avoid the atheistic nihilism of philosophers like Schopenhauer, who go down the road of passive-nihilism and philosophical pessimism: a philosophy best represented visually through the character Rust Chole in the first season of the HBO series True Detective.  Nietzche wants to avoid that kind of atheism, which led Bertrand Russell to say that basically true atheism leads to "unyielding despair." Nietzche instead wants to believe in a "God" that affirms life as it is and empowers him and others. He refuses to embrace a pessimistic passive-nihilism, but instead seeks to create an active-nihilism of life-affirmation, which projects a concept of a God that can dance; and the belief that when one is strong and powerful and generative, one is loved by God(s). Thus he writes:

… [the] aristocratic equation (good = aristocratic = beautiful = happy = loved by the gods) … the contrary equation, … namely, "the wretched are alone the good; the poor, the weak, the lowly, are alone the good; …—but you, on the other hand, you aristocrats, you men of power, you are [according to Lutheranism] to all eternity the evil, the ​horrible …

... [the aristocrats as the] positive and [their] fundamental conception (saturated as it is with life and passion), of "we aristocrats, we good ones, we beautiful ones, we happy ones."

Source: The Genealogy of Morals by Friedrich Nietzsche, translated by Horace B. Samuel "Good and Evil," "Good and Bad" First Essay, Aphorisms 7, 10

Joseph Smith said ".... The word Mormon means literally, more good." So combining Smith and Nietzsche, I realized that my Emergent LDS Equation would be this: more good = Mormon = beautiful = happy = loved by God. 

During my exmormon atheism phase I eventually realized that by proclaiming atheism I was saying the opposite of "more good = Mormon = beautiful = happy = loved by God." I was instead saying (at the very least unconsciously) "we are victims = pessimistic = unhappy (despairing) = abandoned by God." Of course, I claimed that I did not believe in God (so I would have said I wasn't really feeling abandoned by God as I lacked a belief in God), but ultimately deep down on an existential level I often felt as if I was a cosmic orphan, a victim of accidental happenstance in an unfriendly Universe trying to kill me. This is exactly what the agnostic atheist Neil Degrasse Tyson once declared: that the Universe is trying to kill us; which is in contrast to Einstein who argued that we should perceive the Universe as the God of Spinoza and choose to see the Universe as a friendly place

So I realized the psychological usefulness of Einstein encouraging us to perceive the Universe as a friendly place, as a way to reduce stress and over reactiveness. Meanwhile, Nietzche's body of work indirectly helped me realize the importance of one's personal philosophy and ethics (e.g. Christian) or ideology (e.g. Neo Marxism), one's God-concept (loved by God) or being anti-God (abandoned by God). I began to see that the attitude of the Universe is trying to kill us and we are not loved by God, but are cosmic orphans as cosmic accidents, was not inspiring or motivating or empowering toward feeling empowered and happy.

So I began to experiment pragmatically -- for the sake of my own self-esteem (my own well-being and confidence) -- with embracing a belief in God in the sense that the Universe is a friendly place, and believing that I am favored by God, and I am loved by God. As I psychologically experimented with these worldview perceptions, I realized that I began to feel much better, more empowered, and my overall mood improved.

Through my Emergent Mormon paradigm, I could believe in a God who does not just dance, but is an embodied God that affirms the sensual body as good and holy. I could not go with Nietzsche all the way toward Nietzscheanism, but could at least go with him partially, as far as joining him to a degree by saying we are "saturated as it is with life and passion … we Emergent Mormons, we good ones, we beautiful ones, we happy ones, we who are loved by God."

I realized that by 2023 others had come to a similar conclusion that I did. I began to notice several former atheists beginning to become religious (or quasi-religious) and saying things like they are God's favorite or they are loved by God, and noticing that this simple affirmation empowered them psychologically. I noticed that their saying that God-belief can restore meaning, order, and societal stability for the sake of civilization, had merit. I could tell that this "God" energy was empowering and enlightening and purpose-inducing.

There was also in contrast to this "theistic renaissance," a noticeable different energy: an energy of the Universe is not a friendly place, that we are abandoned by God and orphans in an empty Cosmos, and from this mindset the social contagion of feeling insecure, resentful, angry, and unhappy; as these kinds of atheists, as nihilistic postmodernists and neo-marxists, seemed to want to create meaning for themselves by acting "Christian" without the metaphysics of Christianity. As in they seemed to want to build a similar edifice that Christianity had built but were doing so without the legs (God, a soul, objective morality/the Good) that formed the tabletop of the Christian Ethos (which formed our Judeo-Christian civilization).

Watching all these former atheists become Christian again after 2020, and utilize belief in God as a source of meaning, direction, and empowerment, helped me realize that I was not being naive or that my experiences were merely subjective; for I could objectively see others benefiting from a similar pro-God worldview and attitude.

 I realized that in the past my saying "I'm an atheist (or agnostic)" and "I don't believe in God," was unconsciously synonymous with saying "I believe in Nothingness." This subconsciously equated to "I am nothing," rather than saying "I am loved by God." I also began to realize that by rejecting belief in God (as the Father God in particular) I was indirectly promoting Occult Feminism or Satanic Feminism (as an anti-Fatherhood cult) and the destruction of the family and fatherless homes, leading to an increase in chaos, degeneration, incivility and crime. By not believing in the concept of a Cosmic Father (God) I was unconsciously in a way rejecting All Fathers, for God as a concept is at the very least a metaphor for the universal father archetype. So asserting that I was favored and loved by God, and perceiving the Universe as a friendly place, not only saturated life with meaning and passion but it also promotes fatherhood and motherhood and the family; it thus puts me on the side of a healthy future for my species and future generations. In other words, if I wanted to be pro-living and affirm Life and not be anti-Life, it would make sense to affirm a Lifeward God: that as a symbol of the universal Father affirms all fathers in the fatherly role (with mothers) of raising the future generation. It was also in my own best interest to affirm God in order to inherit a more civilized society I would be living in as I aged; and it was in the best interest of my species to affirm a God that can not just dance but generate a Healthy People and a more Just Society.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Introduction to my Blog Series "Worthy" Already by Grace & The True Meaning of Sin & Repentance

Let me begin by saying that I have seen some positive changes in the LDS Church (AKA the Brighamite sect) when it comes to reducing shame cycles, perfectionism, and chronic feelings of inadequacy. For example, the current LDS President (as of 2023), gave a talk in the past titled Perfection Pending. Meanwhile, the Utah-based LDS Church has made somewhat of a radical shift in the last several years toward emphasizing grace over works, which is not what I grew up hearing as an LDS youth. For example, in this recent debate (by A Thoughtful Faith podcast), the Latter-day Saints in this video strongly emphasize the saved by grace doctrine (found in the Book of Mormon itself) while they reinterpret or underplay the past teachings of LDS leaders on works-based exaltation (not by grace alone). This is an interesting change.

There has been books by LDS scholars making attempts to shift LDS culture in a healthier direction as well after 2005. For example, Terryl and Fiona Givens' books The Christ Who Heals and All Things New, attempt to correct past Brighamite traditions, which has been steeped in Augustinian and Protestant dogma; and move the culture toward what they see as Joseph Smith's actual Restoration (away from Protestantism and Augustinianism). 

There are even LDS Leaders in the top ranks who are troubled by LDS members feeling unhealthy perfectionism and chronic states of inadequacy (being stuck in shame cycles). For example, when I was a youth I was encouraged to read and abide by the content of the book The Miracle of Forgiveness. Today, that book has been officially condemned by an Area 70, see the short video: Area Seventy: comments on recognizing the spirit, shame & pornography and body shaming and modesty ( Aug 13, 2021) by YouTube Channel Thoughts on Things and Stuff. The video explains:

[In an August 2021] Stake Leadership meeting at the Herriman Utah Rose Canyon Stake, Area Seventy Richard N. Holzapfel responds to comments from the youth about being able to recognize the spirit - but also on pornography and body shaming. His comments reflect a significant shift in the framing of these issues for the youth. 

Also see the short video: Area Seventy: The church has taught hurtful things about repentance leading to toxic perfectionism by Thoughts on Things and Stuff. The video description explains:

[In an August 2021] Stake Leadership meeting at the Herriman Utah Rose Canyon Stake, Area Seventy Richard N. Holzapfel asked a couple of youth how they felt about repentance. He told them to be honest and authentic. His response to their frank answer was a remarkable assessment of the impact of decades of what he described as hurtful teachings about repentance, purity and perfection.

The video transcript reads:

This has been really great … now … let's be honest here these are two amazing young men and young women. I mean really be honest, these are great so if they're telling you this think of what other kids are saying, think about other adults what they're thinking. Unfortunately, some of you know that Elizabeth Smart as a young girl was stolen from her bedroom in the middle of the night by a by a nut and he raped her repeatedly and did awful things, awful things, because Elizabeth Smart grew up on the east bench of Salt Lake in a very wealthy, exclusive Latter-day Saint community in Salt Lake. She had some ideas in her brain and one of them was that she now was like a old piece chewed gum. Who wants a piece of chewed gum? She didn't realize that man could not take her virtue. She wasn't like a piece of wood that the nail was in it and repentance is removing the nail but the hole is still there. Some phrases that we've used in seminary and in young men and young women, in Sunday Schools for decades in this Church that have hurt the rising generation; and so we've got to get this clear about what repentance is and I suggest that we read President Nelson deeply and President Elder Anderson, I think Lihona, I can't remember [if it is the] February issue, I'm not going to promote his book, his book is great though, everybody should read his book but the article in the Liahona which is free you we should read that and we should accept the prophetic teachings of today. We don't want to go back to the to The Miracle of Forgiveness by President Kimball. You know what he said in his diary before he died, [he said] if I could go back I would rewrite that book. So let's let's drop the dead prophets and embrace the living [prophets]! So President Nelson, apostles and prophets such as Elder Todd Christopherson in particular but Elder Anderson, who's really come on strong this last year in teaching … that the number one problem we have is perfectionism, it's among both the young men and young women but principally the young women are struggling with perfectionism; and there's things that we say, do your best. What's the best? I never can do my best, we have to look at our language, how it's being read, how it's been understood.

Despite these changes however, LDS (Brighamite) culture continues to be rather perfectionistic as a high demand religion: often causing feelings of inadequacy and perfectionism and scrupulosity (religious obsessive compulsiveness). So as an unncorrelated, Independent Mormon, I plan to not ever feel obligated to enter a bishop or stake presidents office. This is based on past negative experiences, as well as my reading of Living on the Edge of the Inside: A Survival Guide by Christian Kimball, and realizing that there's just too many problems with that legalistic way of being a Brighamite Mormon (that simply doesn't work for me personally). Yet I am not against the Brighamite sect and and see it as a net good. But I would ideally like to see the day when there is no longer any manner of "-ites," and all Smith-Rigdon Restoration branches become one.

 I do think that one can be a mentally healthy Brigamite Mormon if one has good boundaries which I discuss in my introductory post to this blog. The site has good advice on handling the worthiness interview process for those who wish to go down that route. I also think that for serious crimes like murder or incest or rape one can benefit from an ecclesiastical system that disfellowships or even excommunicates (in these specific instances), on top of confessing their crime to law enforcement. 

So this blog series will not be an attempt to encourage all Latter-day Saints to avoid attending the temple or paying tithing or any like that. I am a Big Tent Mormon and respect and support any Mormon in any direction they wish to take. I have just chosen to take a different Restoration path that does not involve worthiness interviews or attending the temple. This blog series will explain why I came to this conclusion. 

I will provide evidence in LDS Scripture and early Church history itself, that does not support invasive worthiness interviews. I will show how the word "repentance" itself does not describe an ongoing process of  confessing to clergyman; but instead repentance is about re-choosing the rightwise path toward God. I will explain in detail why I disagree with the Brighamite "covenant path," which in brief is because LDS Scripture itself actually teaches instead "saved by grace alone" through a kind of "spiritual gene therapy" and deification. I will argue that you cannot perfect yourself and earn your exaltation but instead you are already rooted in the "true vine" with a body of glory through faith in the merits of Christ; and like a branch on a vine blooming and bearing fruit, you are simply called to become who you already are in Christ as a luminous being. 

I have argued in this blog series that the temple itself and it's Freemasonic rituals and emphasis on procreation and a God of sexual parts and passions, was aimed at changing the consciousness of the Saints; and those rituals achieved their goal by 1890 and therefore the temple ritual in my opinion is not necessary for one's exaltation. Instead, one's degree of exaltation is one's bodily state. One is either of the seed of Adam and in that bodily state, or through faithful loyalty one has undergone a kind of spiritual gene therapy through the seed of Christ through faith: becoming literal children of Christ (as the Book of Mormon itself teaches) and thus co-heirs with Christ.

In chapter 1 of his book Passing the Heavenly Gift, Denver S. came to a similar conclusion regarding the temple ordinances, writing:

Interestingly, the language of [D&C] Section 20 also defines the process for salvation and justification. The doctrine is important still. Quoting from the original published version in 1833 (then Section 24): 

And we know, that all men must repent and believe on the name of Jesus Christ, and worship the Father in his name, and endure in faith on his name to the end, or they cannot be saved in the kingdom of God. And we know, that Justification through the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, is just and true; And we know, also, that sanctification through the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, is just and true, to all those who love and serve God with all their mights, minds, and strength, but there is a possibility that men may fall from grace and depart from the living God. Therefore, let the church take heed and pray always, lest they fall into temptation; Yea, and even he that is sanctified also. [16]

 These doctrines of justification and sanctification, along with the church offices which allowed ordinances of baptism, laying on hands and administration of the sacrament were established without regard to priesthood. Priesthood and church office were not originally conflated; they would later become so. But that is a revisionist view of the events.

Denver continues to explain that the ordinances like in the temple are merely symbolic and ceremonial, pointing you to develop your own direct experience of resting in the Lord:

Most of the ordinances of the [LDS] church are not the real thing. They are types, symbols of the real thing. They are official invitations ... The [LDS] church and its ordinations and ordinances does not confer power. They invite the recipients to press forward into God’s presence and receive Him, where the actual endowment of peace, joy, promises of eternal life, and power are conferred by Him [Christ] who has the right to bestow them. The keeper of that gate is the Holy One of Israel, and He employs no mortal servant there.[31] If men could confer more than an ordination, there would be nothing to prevent corrupt, wicked men from selling salvation to their friends, family and those they favor even if unworthy; or from barring salvation to others who are worthy, based on petty jealousies and envy. This idea of men holding God’s power is what led to the corruptions of Catholicism.

In other words, the ordiances are a shadow of the goal itself, which is to enter the presence of the Lord. Denver goes into much more detail in his book.

Believing one is saved by grace through the merits of Christ alone, and not by achieving a "worthiness status," does not mean that one's righteous/rightwise deeds and loving acts don't glorify God (according to LDS Scripture); for the Christian is called to let their light shine with caring acts of charity and affection. It just means that one is not "chasing worthiness" but one has been made worthy of "God's presence" through the merits of Christ alone. So that it is not about checking off boxes to earn one's ticket to heaven. Instead, heaven is the state of luminous beings, as God is like the sun as a radiant Force that requires every being in His presence to have a luminous body like His Messengers in the Divine Council. So that it's not about checking boxes or acting pious or "holier than thou." It's about a transformation of one's character through a renewing of the mind and becoming a new creation.

Furthermore, my study of the word "repent" in LDS scripture reveals that the word repent simply means to have a change of mind or heart, which even LDS church President Nelson has affirmed. The context of repentance in LDS scripture (especially between the years 1832 to 1844 when Joseph Smith was the prophet, seer and revelator), is largely based on the language of the Methodist camp meetings at the time. Thus, in the proper historical context, the word repent meant for the first Mormons (reading the Book of Mormon in the mid 1800s) that they should undergo a change of heart and mind and move away from a life of S.I.N. (Selfish, Impulsive, Nobodying) and receive the Pneuma (pronounced Nooma), being born anew through the baptism of fire

The original concept of repentance and confession was along the lines of changing your mind, admitting your fallibility, confessing your misdeeds to those you have harmed -- by apologizing and making restitution -- and publicly confessing your faults in public to those standing before you at the waters of baptism while conveying your commitment to a new life. In other words, it was the equivalent of an AA meeting and was not a one-on-one "worthiness" interview of sitting before a single male priest behind closed doors.

The Book of Mormon on the repentance process:

The current Utah-based LDS Church (Brighamite sect) has set up gatekeepers to interview you before entering through the gates of the temple into the realm of the Holy One; but in my view this is against Scripture. As we read in 2 Nephi 9: 41 (emphasis added):

O then, my beloved brethren, come unto the Lord, the Holy One. Remember that his paths are righteous. Behold, the way for man is narrow, but it lieth in a straight course before him, and the keeper of the gate is the Holy One of Israel; and he employeth no servant there; and there is none other way save it be by the gate; for he cannot be deceived, for the Lord God is his name.

Mosiah 3: 13 basically explains in the years before 30 AD, that if people merely believed in Christ before he had come, that they'd receive a remission of their sins. It's basically a born again doctrine of believe and you'll be saved (reconstituted and made holy), resting in the Lord. It is made all the more clear that believing in Christ -- by faith and baptism alone, and taking upon oneself his name and receiving his seed, saves (reconstitutes you) -- because in this case, Christ has not even come yet in Mosiah 3; but just believing that he will come, this believing (trusting assurance) that he will come and will fulfill the role of the Messiah, will remove sins from them and saves (reconstitutes them). In other words, when you take on the name of Christ, his seed (DNA) is implanted into you and grows in you and swells and reconstitutes you (see Alma 32) forming you into a holy one like Christ who is a holy being (see Lecture 7).

In the Book of Mormon, wickedness has more to do with how you treat people socially: whether or not you give in to classism and elitism or are stiffnecked and pridefully self-centered and contentious with murderous hate. Note as well that the Book of Mormon updates the concept of the atonement in Alma 7:12:

And [Jesus] will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor [1828 dictionary: support; assistance that relieves and delivers from difficulty, want or distress] his people according to their infirmities.

I interpret this as Terryl and Fiona Givens do, as Jesus experienced our infirmities (our woundedness, suffering, hurts), but not to simply "remove" them from us. He experienced our infirmities (woundedness), so that he'd gain our experience which he needed in order to support us as a consoling friend when we experience infirmities. In other words, he knows exactly what we are going through and wants us to be healed and empowered. Like a friend dusting us off and picking us up to go on fighting the good fight.

Hence, the emphasis is on the healing Christ, healing our traumas and woundedness, not the "sanitizing" Christ leading to perfectionism and pharasical ideas and "purity policing."

The Doctrine and Covenants on repentance and clergyman getting involved in the process:

In D&C 121: 34-37 we read (emphasis added):

Behold, there are many called, but few are chosen. And why are they not chosen? Because their hearts are set so much upon the things of this world, and aspire to the honors of men, that they do not learn this one lesson –That the rights of the priesthood are inseparably connected with the powers of heaven, and that the powers of heaven cannot be controlled nor handled only upon the principles of righteousness. That they may be conferred upon us, it is true; but when we undertake to cover our sins, or to gratify our pride, our vain ambition, or to exercise control or dominion or compulsion upon the souls of the children of men, in any degree of unrighteousness, behold the heavens withdraw themselves; the Spirit of the Lord is grieved; and when it is withdrawn, Amen to the priesthood or the authority of that man. 

Many LDS Leaders have in the past (and even today), sought "to exercise control or dominion or compulsion," by for example demanding a young woman going into extreme detail about their sexual experiences during a "worthiness interview," or body shaming them (as the Area 70 covered above). Or a leader demanding the LDS member believe exactly as the LDS leader does (as John Dehlin experienced during his excommuncation process). Or withholding a temple recommend from a person who doesn't choose to wear the LDS garment as much as they are supposed to (according to the dictates of the LDS leader). This "controllingness" is not the case with every LDS leader, but the Brighamite system is set up to allow extreme forms of legalism based on the personality and temperment of the leader. So that if an LDS member has poor boundaries due to their belief that they need to be work to be perfect and achieve a "worthy status," they can be susceptible to "spiritual manipulation" and suffer religious trauma syndrome. This can be remedied if the LDS member understands that the actual restored gospel (in LDS Scripture) teaches that you are already worthy through the grace gift of Christ (being "in Christ"), regardless of what an LDS leader thinks or does (based on the current legalistic policies of the Brighamite sect). For example, we saw above that the policy I grew up with, of Leaders often encouraging you to read The Miracle of Forgiveness (and similar books and pamphlets) caused serious psychological harm, and is now considered wrong (as expressed from the pulpit by the Area 70 quoted above)!

"Worthy" Already by Grace & The True Meaning of Sin & Repentance (Blog Series)

 > Introduction 

The True Meaning of "Repentance" & "Confession" & The Book of Mormon in the Context of Methodist Camp Meetings

Atonement as Redemption & Repentance as to Come unto Christ (not a Bishop)

Only by Grace are Ye Saved (& Made a Holy One) Despite All You Can Do

Friday, December 29, 2023

Noomatic Gene Therapy by Matthew Thiessen

The following is an excerpt from the book A Jewish Paul by Matthew Thiessen (2023 Edition), from chapter 8 "Pneumatic Gene Therapy" (words in brackets are my own words, except the footnotes; the web links were also added):

... Paul’s writings demonstrate his abiding commitment to ancient ethnic reasoning. Gentiles need to become connected to Abraham so that they can inherit God’s promises to him and his seed. Paul argues against gentile circumcision not because he is trying to break down ethnic boundaries but because he does not think that circumcision has the power to bridge the genealogical gap between Abraham and the gentiles. For Paul, only the divine power of the pneuma [pronounced "nooma"] (often translated into English as “Spirit”) can truly connect gentiles and Abraham. Gentiles, in short, need to undergo pneumatic gene therapy in order to inherit the many things God promised to Abraham. ... 


... Paul argues that circumcision and adoption of the Jewish law in its entirety will not work for gentiles because Israel’s God never intended for non-Jews to undergo circumcision and adoption of the Jewish law. [2] ... a circumcised gentile has not addressed the underlying condition: he has dealt only with the flesh, not the pneuma [from now on nooma for ease of reading and pronunciation]. ... 


... Romans and Galatians speak about Abraham and Abraham’s seed at some length (Rom. 4 and Gal. 3– 4). Abraham is the father of all who believe, and those who trust in the Messiah are Abraham’s seed (Rom. 4: 11, 13; Gal. 3: 6, 29). These passages show that Paul believes that gentiles do indeed need to become related to Abraham in order to inherit what God promised. But if circumcision and law are unable to make gentiles into seed of Abraham, what can? ... in both Romans 4 and Galatians 3 Paul sets out to show how one becomes a seed of Abraham. Galatians 3: 29 provides the clearest distillation of Paul’s thinking on this point: “If you are [part] of the Messiah [ei hymeis Christou], then you are the seed [sperma] of Abraham.” For gentiles to become Abraham’s seed, they only need to belong to the Messiah. One does this by being immersed into and being clothed in the Messiah. Paul uses the language of containment—entering into (eis) and becoming wrapped by or clothed in (enduō) the Messiah (Gal. 3: 27). Such statements encourage us to think in very spatial categories. The Messiah is a location or a container or a sphere into which gentiles must enter in order to be related to Abraham. [6] ... 


... By receiving with faith the good news that Paul proclaimed, the gentiles became recipients of this powerful [nooma] (3: 1– 5). Paul goes on to compare this gentile faith to Abraham’s faith in Genesis 15: 6, concluding that those who are born out of faith are Abraham’s sons (Gal. 3: 6). 7 The logic, then, of Galatians 3: 1– 7 is that through faith one receives the [nooma] (cf. 3: 14). Simultaneously, the one born out of faith becomes a son of Abraham. ... 


... It is not faith itself but what faith brings that makes one Abraham’s son. Faith brings the nooma, and it is the nooma that creates a connection between Abraham and the gentile believer. Why? Because of the identity of the nooma that these gentiles receive. According to Galatians 4: 6, God sends the nooma, which he identifies as the nooma of his son, the Messiah, into the hearts of these gentiles in Galatia. ...


... I recall a pastor telling me as a teenager that the thought that Jesus enters into someone’s heart was laughable—that this was nothing but a mere symbol or metaphor. I think Paul would disagree. Jesus the Messiah invades the flesh-and-blood bodies of those who trust in him via his own nooma. When gentiles receive the nooma by faith, when this nooma enters into their hearts, they have been infused with the stuff of the Messiah, which now permeates their bodies. Simultaneously, these gentiles are clothed in the Messiah. The Messiah, then, both envelops them and indwells them [compare the 1835 LDS Lectures on Faith #5 and #7]. ... 

... Understandably, this strikes us as odd. The best analogy that I can come up with is a sponge that one immerses in a pail of water. If held underwater long enough, the porous body of the sponge is filled with water while also being surrounded by it. The water simultaneously enters into the sponge and “enclothes” the sponge. This is close to, if not quite the same thing as, what Paul envisages. I have argued elsewhere, following the lead of Caroline Johnson Hodge and Stanley Stowers, that Paul depends here on the ancient science of his day to depict what happens to Messiah [8]. [Footnote 8 reads: Hodge, If Sons, Then Heirs; and Stowers, “‘ Pauline Participation in Christ.’” ... According to Stoic philosophers, [the mixture of two substances was] called krasis. This is where this philosophical discussion becomes relevant to Paul (and others): the Stoics thought the supreme example of krasis was the mixture of an element they called nooma with other, coarser substances that were made out of the four lower elements of air, fire, earth, and water. So, for instance, the Stoics believed that the soul was made from the material of nooma and that this material perfectly combined (krasis) with the elements that made up flesh-and-blood bodies to make an organic unity. Nooma continues to exist as nooma, and flesh as flesh, but they share the same space. The Stoics called this the interpenetration of two substances. ... note how well this description fits what Paul says in a dense section of Romans 8 that talks about the very substance of the nooma: “But you are not in the flesh; you are in the nooma, since the nooma of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the nooma of the Messiah is not part of him. But if the Messiah is in you, though the body is dead because of sin, the nooma is life because of righteousness. If the nooma of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised the Messiah from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies also through his nooma that dwells in you” (8: 9–11). The first sentence parallels Stoic thinking about krasis (whether Paul knows it or not): the Messiah follower is in the nooma; simultaneously, the nooma is in the Messiah follower. Again, the best example I can think of is a sponge (the person) both saturated and surrounded by water (the nooma). Via his nooma, then, the Messiah dwells in his followers, and they dwell in him. They are in him and of him, and he is in them. This is no mere external relationship to or with the Messiah; it is full and intricate and intimate participation in the Messiah.


I have been convinced by other scholars that the nooma, God’s nooma, the Messiah’s nooma, in Paul’s mind is not something immaterial but the finest, most perfect form of matter. [Footnote 10: See especially Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self.] These arguments depend on ancient Stoic thinking again. Yes, this is controversial to many Paul scholars, not least because classical Christian theology has insisted on the immateriality of God. Such theology insists that God cannot be made up of matter because that would mean God is divisible and subject to change and decay. But that is not how some ancient people thought about the stuff of nooma. Philosophical and scientific reflection on nooma goes back at least to Aristotle, who argued that it was in some way related to a fifth element that made up the cosmos. Whereas previous philosophers had proposed four elements— fire, air, earth, and water— Aristotle conceived of one more element, a heavenly one called aether. ... Aristotle believed that aether was unlike the other four elements. It alone was unchanging, eternal, and divine. [11]. ... Aristotle had no problem speaking of nooma both as a body and as matter. [12]  [Compare D&C 131: 7-8]. ... 


... Paul was neither a Stoic nor a highly trained philosopher. But the basic elements of Platonic and Stoic thinking were the conceptual air that most people in the Greco-Roman world breathed. One would surely be wrong to think that all people today know what quarks and hadrons are, but many of us have a basic understanding of what gravity is or what atoms, protons, and neutrons are. So too, it is hard to believe that someone like Paul would not have known how the term nooma was being used more broadly in his day. And, if we can trust Acts on this point, Paul came from the city of Tarsus, a known hotbed of Stoic philosophy. This was his world, even if it is not ours. ... unless he unmistakably signaled that he meant something quite different, his readers would inevitably have heard nooma as those around them were commonly using it: to refer to a type of matter that was eternal and divine. While we cannot know what was in Paul’s mind, I would suggest that unless he was a very poor communicator, he would have known he needed to clarify what he meant by nooma if he meant something dramatically different from what most others around him would have meant by the term. Otherwise he would have opened himself up to inevitable misunderstandings. ... 


... when Paul speaks about the nooma entering into people’s hearts, as he does in Galatians 4: 6 and Romans 5: 5 and 2   Corinthians 1: 22, or more broadly about those who follow the Messiah receiving the nooma (1   Cor. 2: 12; 2 Cor. 5: 5), modern readers should take this as materially as possible. The nooma is the material gift from God—it is the presence of God and God’s Messiah—that enters into human hearts, the epicenter of human bodies. The holy nooma materially inhabits human bodies (Rom. 8: 11; 2 Cor. 6: 16, quoting a modified form of Lev. 26: 11; cf. 2 Tim. 1: 14). [13] ... 


... gentiles have been infused, therefore, with the unchanging and eternal stuff of the Messiah, who himself became nooma at his resurrection (1 Cor. 15: 45; 2 Cor. 3: 17– 18). By infusing gentiles with the Messiah’s nooma, God has intervened in the gentile condition by editing their genetic code, modifying gentile DNA, so to speak. The nooma is a vector inserted into the bodies of gentiles so that they now contain the Messiah’s genetic code: anyone united to the Lord is one nooma with him (1 Cor. 6: 17).


Note how this supports my thesis in my blog series on restoring true theosis. Josh Gehly, in a Dec. 8, 2023 video presentation titled BOM 1 The Gospel comparing the New Testament with the Book of Mormon", at the 32-33 minute mark indirectly confirms this idea of LDS Scripture teaching that the nooma infuses into Christians God's DNA. Gehly references 3 Nephi 27:20, which states, "... come unto me and be baptized in my name, that ye may be sanctified by the reception of the Holy Ghost, that ye may stand spotless before me at the last day." If "Holy Ghost" here can be thought of as synonymous with the Holy Spirit (as explained in the Fifth Lecture on Faith), and according to LDS apostle Parley Pratt the Scared Nooma is a fluid substance; then this would align with Matthew Thiessen's explanation in his chapter of his book excerpted herein. For, the Holy Spirit (Sacred Nooma) would sanctify the Christian by making him or her spotless and thus unable to "sin" to the Mosaic Law (like circumcision) because God's sperma abides in them changing their DNA per 1 John 3:9. In other words, by replacing their Adamic (fallen) nature (seed of Adam) with Christ's seed, they partake of the divine nature (seed) through the nooma.  

Gehly's noting that we are "sealed unto salvation" by referencing Ephesians 4:30 and 2 Tim. 2:19, adds support to my blog post on Christ as the seal of Jehovah, as Jehovah's duplicate genome (DNA); so that when the seed (DNA) of Christ is sealed into us through the nooma, we receive the divine DNA of Jehovah by adoption through Christ as co-heirs with Christ, as his literal noomatic children; which is the genetic inheritance of having the ability to resurrect (among other things). In other words, just as Christ is the literal seal of Jehovah (his duplicate genome), the nooma as a fluid essence carrying the divine sperma (DNA) infuses the divine seed/nature into Christians: so that they are "sealed unto salvation" by noomatic adoption through the seed of the Messiah, thus becoming the seed of Abraham as well (as Thiessen explains below). 

Mathew Thieseen continues, giving more support to my thesis:

... Just prior to Galatians 4: 6, Paul outlines an argument that the Messiah is the seed of Abraham (Gal. 3: 16). ... Immediately before Abraham trusts God’s promise, he complains to God that all God’s promises seem to be oblivious to the fact that Abraham still has no child to inherit what God promises to give him. As Abraham puts it, “You have not given to me a seed [sperma]”(Gen. 15: 3). God responds with yet another promise: “The one who comes out of your belly will inherit you”(15: 4). [14] Genesis 15 defines Abraham’s seed (sperma), therefore, as “the one who comes out of your belly.” This phrase occurs in only two other places in Jewish scriptures, both of which refer to David’s offspring. Once it refers to one of David’s sons, who seeks to kill David (2   Sam. 16: 11). The other is 2 Samuel 7, where through the prophet Nathan, God promises to David that he will raise up David’s seed (sperma), “the one who comes forth out of your belly” (7: 12). The Hebrew in both passages is the same, potentially creating in Paul’s mind a connection between Abraham’s seed and David’s seed. [15] 


If Jesus is the Messiah, then he is not only the seed of David but also the seed of Abraham, whom God promised in Genesis 15. And if gentile believers have the Messiah’s nooma, then they have his material in them and are, at the same time, clothed in the Messiah. They are in the Messiah, and the Messiah is in them. They have received an infusion of the Messiah’s DNA, so to speak. Consequently, they are now materially, genetically, and genealogically connected not just to the Messiah but also to Abraham. They have undergone divine, noomatic gene therapy to address the fact that they were previously unrelated to Abraham. ... Through the nooma and in the Messiah, gentiles have become Abraham’s sons and seed.


... [Paul was arguing that] Gentiles had not received the nooma through works of the law [like circumcision], so why would works of the law address something that the nooma had not already? By adding works of the law to the nooma, such people were in effect (although presumably not intentionally) implying that works of the law could do something that the nooma could not, which is, of course, to imply that the Messiah had not fully addressed the gentile condition. 


Paul again depends on the physics of his day when he makes this argument. Human flesh was made up of a combination of the four lower elements, and so it was mutable and non-eternal. To place confidence in a practice such as circumcision, then, was to place confidence in something that was passing away. If the Galatians tried to forge a connection to Abraham via circumcision, whatever connection they made, being merely skin deep, would simply not stand up to the test of eschatological time. They were making themselves Abrahamic sons according to the flesh (Gal. 4: 29), at best citizens of the “now Jerusalem,” a terrestrial [earthly] and therefore non-eternal citizenship in a Jerusalem that would not exist in the eschaton [end-times (the new earth)] (4: 25). In contrast, gentiles who became connected to Abraham through the Messiah’s nooma were Abraham’s sons according to the nooma (4: 29), connected to Abraham via an unchanging, indestructible, eternal material, and therefore were citizens of the Jerusalem above, the celestial and eternal Jerusalem (4: 25). To outline Paul’s argument succinctly:


Gentiles need to become Abraham’s sons and seed to inherit God’s promises.

The Messiah is Abraham’s son and seed.

Gentiles, through faith, receive the Messiah’s essence, his nooma.

Through faith and nooma they have been placed into the Messiah.

The nooma of the Messiah also infuses their bodies.

They have the Messiah’s essence in them, and they exist in the essence of the Messiah.

Gentiles have become Abrahamic sons and seed.






Saturday, December 16, 2023

Ethan Smith on the Trinity & Christ in the Old Testament as a "Medium" (Form of "Appearance")

Before the Book of Mormon was written, Ethan Smith (no relation to Joseph Smith that I am aware of) wrote a book on the Trinity, published in 1814, called A Treatise on the Character of Christ; with a second edition in 1824 called View of the Trinity. In his book on the Trinity, Ethan Smith argues strongly against the Unitarian doctrine, which rejected the divinity of Christ. In doing so Ethan Smith argued that Jesus was the Eternal Father (Jehovah incarnate). Ethan Smith also wrote a book called View of the Hebrews, which many historical scholars believe was used by Joseph Smith as a resource when composing the Book of Mormon (see Joseph Smith and the Origins of the Book of Mormon by David Persuitte). 

When the Book of Mormon (from now on "BoM" at times) argues that in Jesus dwells the Father, the BoM sounded like many Trinitarians of the day. Ethan Smith was one of these persons who argued that Jesus is the Eternal Father. As discussed in the previous blog posts, this appears to be what the intent of the BoM is, which is to establish that Jesus wasn't what the Unitarians and Deists argued he was (a mere man) but was in fact God incarnate (Jehovah's identical seal/imprint to be exact). The Deists and Unitarians argued that Jesus was a derived being (meaning originating from something, as in decended from), that is created by God; and thus they argued that Jesus was not eternally divine. In contrast, the BoM, like Ethan Smith, argues that Jesus is not a derived being, and is in fact the very Eternal Father; with Joseph's future scriptures going on to explain that Christ is an exact duplicate of Jehovah in the flesh.

In Grant Palmer’s book An Insider’s View of Mormon Origins, he has provided historical evidence that the author of the BoM intended to counter Deism and Unitarianism, two theologies that denied the deity of Christ. Hence, the BoM attempts to do what many Trinitarians were doing during the time it was written and published in 1830, that is reject Unitarianism and Deism and defend and proclaim the divinity of Christ.

In this blog post I will present Ethan Smith’s view of the Godhead and how his ideas likely influenced or contributed to the theology of the BoM. In fact, Ethan Smith was the family minister of Oliver Cowdery, who was one of Smith’s scribes during the dictation of the BoM. If that doesn’t warrant an investigation into Ethan Smith’s views, I don’t know what would. Combine this with the book Joseph Smith and the Origins of the Book of Mormon, where the author David Persuitte presents strong evidence that Ethan Smith’s book View of the Hebrews was used in the production of the BoM; and it becomes likely that the author of the BoM would very likely have relied on the theological concepts of Ethan Smith’s book on the Trinity. 

Some scholars argue that Oliver Cowdery likely furnished Smith with Ethan Smith’s book, View of the Hebrews, or shared the ideas in the book with him. If this is probable then it is not a stretch to conclude that Cowdery also likely shared with Smith some of Ethan Smith’s ideas on the Trinity, which are contained in the book called A Treatise on the Character of Christ, which was published before the dictation of the BoM. 

Cowdery may have even brought Ethan Smith’s book on the Trinity with him to the dictation sessions of the BoM. Or he could have simply shared its contents with Joseph Smith in private conversations. Or Cowdery himself, whose minister was Ethan Smith, could have unconsciously expressed Ethan Smith’s views which made its way into the BoM during the dictation and scribal process. We know from D&C chapters 8 and 9 that Joseph Smith encouraged Oliver Cowdery to write his own inspired words into the BoM. Cowdery could have very easily projected Ethan Smith’s ideas into the BoM as a scribe, as Ethan’s ideas were very likely swimming around in Cowdery’s subconscious since Ethan was Oliver Cowdery’s minister. We also know that Joseph Smith was encouraging Cowdery to

study it out in your mind; then you must ask me if it be right, and if it is right I will cause that your bosom shall burn within you; therefore, you shall feel that it is right. But if it be not right you shall have no such feelings, but you shall have a stupor of thought that shall cause you to forget the thing which is wrong; therefore, you cannot write that which is sacred save it be given you from me.

(D&C 9: 8-9) 

This sounds a lot like someone encouraging a writer to be creative and when a thought or the words “feel write” to go with it; but if the writer doubts then they will seize to be creative, suffer writer’s block, and not wish to write. This is good advice for any writer and if Cowdery felt God was guiding him by the Spirit then he would have felt justified in his actions of adding his own ideas into the BoM as a scribe. Those ideas would have inevitably aligned with Ethan Smith’s ideas. Another time Joseph Smith said:

A person may profit by noticing the first intimation of the spirit of revelation; for instance, when you feel pure intelligence flowing into you, it may give you sudden strokes of ideas, so that by noticing it, you may find it fulfilled the same day or soon; (i.e.) those things that were presented unto your minds by the Spirit of God, will come to pass; and thus by learning the Spirit of God and understanding it, you may grow into the principle of revelation, until you become perfect in Christ Jesus. 

 If Cowdery ever had second thoughts about what he was doing, the next verses could have been meant to persuade him to continue. For, the context appears to show that Cowdery is expecting to be given the words to write by revelation, thus verse 7 states, “Behold, you have not understood; you have supposed that I would give it unto you, when you took no thought save it was to ask me.” Then, as we saw above, in verses 8-9 Joseph encourages Cowdery to basically create the words, by the power of the Spirit, as he goes along and if it feels right it can be considered divine guidance; and if it is not right he will have a stupor of thought. The next verse implies that Cowdery was concerned that they were basically “making things up” with this reliance on inspiration, and whatever comes to mind to write, is of God. To which, Smith replies with a revelation that reads: 

For, do you not behold that I have given unto my servant Joseph sufficient strength, whereby it is made up? And neither of you have I condemned. Do this thing which I have commanded you, and you shall prosper (D&C 9: 12-13).  

My reading of his verse is that it means, "Don’t you see how I (God) have given Smith as a seer great powers through his seer stone, so why worry that it might be made up? I (God) don’t condemn either of you for using this method of being creative in your writing when the Spirit shall give you internal guidance regarding what you create is divinely inspired." Thus Cowdery was reassured that his actions were right with God. Hence, Cowdery could have very easily expressed his minister Ethan Smith’s ideas into his BoM dictations which he was encouraged to believe was divine guidance. Author, Robert N. Hullinger describes the situation this way:

When Oliver Cowdery took over scribal duties in April 1829, he told Smith that he wanted to try his hand at translating the plates. He tried and faltered, thereby forcing yet another shift in the role of the glasses [two stones in a bow, making glasses]. Cowdery had the idea that translating was merely a matter of reading [as in reading the contents of the gold plates through use of the stone glasses]. Smith answered Cowdery’s failure with a revelation. Cowdery should have studied his proposed translation “out in his mind” (D&C 8:1-3) and his bosom would “burn” within him when he felt “that it is right.” Thus Cowdery was held responsible for his failure. Earlier Smith had told him that Christ would “tell” him in his “mind” and “heart” the knowledge concerning the engravings of old records. Now it was explained that the translation really took place within a person and not in the lenses of the glasses or in the seer stone.

It was Smith who eventually emphasized the mind and heart of the translator as the medium of translation and deemphasized the inherent power of the spectacles.…

Cowdery didn’t need to have Ethan’s Trinity book in front of him. All he would have had to do is simply convey the ideas of the Trinity book to Smith, and Smith would have expressed those ideas into the BoM. Cowdery in turn would have felt that what he and Smith were writing “was right” because it sounded like the theology of his minister. We will now turn to the contents of Ethan Smith’s book on the trinity. 

Ethan Smith’s concept of the Trinity: Jesus’ Two Natures or Wills and its possible influence on the Book of Mormon

The following is from Ethan Smith’s book on the Trinity, titled A Treatise on the Character of Christ (1824 edition). Beginning with page 11, Ethan Smith refutes the idea that Jesus “is literally the Son of God, as much as was Isaac the son of Abraham...” On pages 14 to 16, Ethan argues that Jesus did not derive (i.e. originate from or had a source of origin) from the Father, and Jesus was the Son because of his flesh (which matches Mosiah 15: 1-5) and not because he was literally generated (procreated or created) by the Father. According to Ethan, Jesus was eternally the Word (which matches Moses 1:32). According to Ethan Smith in his book on the Trinity, Christ 

was included in the true and living God. This appears to have been the case, from the remarks of the Jews, that his claiming to be the Messiah, was "making himself God;" also from the testimony of Thomas, when convinced of his Messiahship, "My Lord, and my God!" and from the tenor of the Old Testament language concerning the Messiah; as I shall have occasion to show. I see no room to doubt, that the general opinion at that day concerning the Messiah, was, that he is the "Mighty God; the Everlasting Father; the Jehovah of Hosts; the I AM; one with God; and really God” (pg. 15). 

For Ethan Smith, Jesus was the Everlasting Father (Jehovah), as the Logos (Word) of Jehovah made flesh. I believe that this is also what the BoM teaches. For example, the introduction of the 1830 BoM states that the book’s purpose is for, “the convincing of the Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God, manifesting himself unto all nations.”

Ethan Smith argues that Jesus was the Word (Logos), the second Person in the Trinity. On pages 19 to 20 Ethan writes of Christ's eternal divinity:

He is hence called God's own Son; -- his only Son; -- his only begotten. But those phrases do not necessarily enforce the idea, that the Divinity of Christ was derived from God. And other scriptures utterly forbid such an idea, as I shall endeavor in future pages to make appear. The Divinity of Christ is "without father, without mother, without descent; having neither beginning of days, nor end of time." 

The above concept of Jesus Christ being part of God but not derived, that is not "descended" from God, mirrors LDS scripture in Moses 1:6: where the single God says to Moses, “mine Only Begotten [the form of Jesus of Nazareth] is and shall be the Savior, for he is full of grace and truth; but there is no God beside me, and all things are present with me, for I know them all” (words in bold, italics, and brackets for emphasis). In other words, the Logos (the "word of God's power" per Moses 1:32) becomes the Only Begotten (Jehovah's twin genome), which is an exact duplicate of Father-Jehovah. Thus Moses 1:6 says there is no God (Divine Gene) beside himself, but the Only Begotten is His exact duplicate, His Only Monogene and seal/imprint. In order to show how similar Ethan Smith’s Godhead theology is with the BoM, compare what Ethan Smith says below after I first quote from the original 1830 Book of Mormon, from Mosiah 15 (words highlighted in blue for comparison):

… understand that God himself shall come down among the children of men, and shall redeem his people; and because he dwelleth in flesh, he shall be called the Son of God: and having subjected the flesh to the will of the Father, being the Father and the Son; the Father because he was conceived by the power of God; and the Son, because of the flesh; thus becoming the Father and Son: and they are one God, yea, the very Eternal Father of Heaven and of Earth; and thus the flesh becoming subject to the Spirit, or the Son to the Father, being one God, suffereth temptation, and yieldeth not to the temptation, but suffereth himself to be mocked, and scourged, and cast out, and disowned by his people. … even so he shall be led, crucified, and slain, the flesh becoming subject even unto death, the will of the Son being swallowed up in the will of the Father; and thus God breaketh the bands of death; ... having broken the bands of death, taken upon himself their iniquity and their transgressions; having redeemed them, and satisfied the demands of justice. 

Now compare the above passage with the following excerpt from Ethan Smith’s 1824 Trinity book which explains this above passage, starting with page 20 (compare words in blue to Mosiah 15 above). Note, words in brackets my own: 

What sentiments then, does the word of God furnish, relative to the Sonship of Jesus Christ? It teaches that Christ is a Son (in a sense) literally; and also he is figuratively the Son of God. He has two natures in his one Person. One of them [His divine Genome?] was begotten of God, in the womb of the virgin Mary; -- which is a reason, expressly assigned by God himself, why Christ is called the Son of God. And Christ in both his natures, Divine and human, was, as our Mediator, inducted -- constituted -- begotten -- into his mediatory office, in which he was perfectly obedient to God, as a perfect son obeying a father. …

This last sentence accords with D&C 93 where the resurrected Jesus of Nazareth says he is in the Father and the Father is in him (see D&C 93: 2), and speaks of the Father giving him his fullness and how he is “the Son because I was in the world and made flesh my tabernacle” (verse 4). Then in verse 8, Jesus is referred to as the Word (compare Moses 1:32) that was in the beginning and made the world (see Moses chapters 2-3).  Then we come to where Ethan’s last sentence above is mirrored in section 93 (words in brackets my own):

11 And I, John, bear record that I beheld his glory, as the glory of the Only Begotten of the Father [the Logos], full of grace and truth, even the Spirit of truth, which came and dwelt in the flesh, and dwelt among us.

 12 And I, John, saw that he [the earth-born Jesus of Nazareth] received not of the fulness at the first, but received grace for grace;

 13 And he received not of the fulness at first, but continued from grace to grace, until he received a fulness;

 14 And thus he was called the Son of God, because he received not of the fulness at the first.

 15 And I, John, bear record, and lo, the heavens were opened, and the Holy Ghost descended upon him in the form of a dove, and sat upon him, and there came a voice out of heaven saying: This is my beloved Son.

 16 And I, John, bear record that he received a fulness of the glory of the Father;

 17 And he received all power, both in heaven and on earth, and the glory of the Father was with him, for he dwelt in him.

The Father dwelling in him is later explained in the Fifth Lecture on Faith as meaning God's omnipresent glory and divine nature fully swallows up his human nature in accordance with Mosiah 15: 1-5. Hence, as Ethan puts it, “And Christ in both his natures, Divine and human, was, as our Mediator, inducted -- constituted -- begotten -- into his mediatory office, in which he was perfectly obedient to God, as a perfect son obeying a father. …” Ethan Smith makes it clear that the term Son does not mean a literal procreated son of a literal father, but means that God dwelt in the form of a human person (as in the Father God's genome and the Logos enters the Son/Flesh-body) and the Son is a mediatory office. Mosiah 15 can be further understood by turning to page 93 where Ethan Smith writes that (words in brackets my own):

There is and must be an overwhelming mystery, to short-sighted creatures, in the union of Christ's two natures, that he is Immanuel, God with us: "Which things the Angels desire to look into." -- Those, who would attempt to divest this subject of mystery, do violence both to the spirit and the letter of the testimony of God himself upon this subject. For God informed that Christ's name should "be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace." And he asserts, that "Without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness, God was manifest in the flesh." Here, the Logos [compare Moses 1:32], in the first of the Gospel of John, who "was made flesh, and dwelt among us," is, as he was by John, called, God [compare Moses 1:6]. Here he was manifested in human nature. And here we are divinely taught, that without controversy it is a great mystery.

The BoM does not use the term Logos (or Word), and instead the Word (Logos) is presented visually in "appearance" as the preexistent conceptual image of Jesus of Nazareth (God’s spirit form as a holographic-like image) that for example appears to the brother of Jared in Ether 3. In my article here, I explain how The Book of Moses and Ether 3 are about how the Only Begotten is basically the Philonic image/form of the literal resurrected Jesus of Nazareth seen in visions within God's omniscient Mind (before Jesus is even born). This is corroborated in D&C 93 (written early in 1833) where the image of the earth-born Jesus as the Only Begotten is referred to as the Word (i.e. Logos) in verses 6-11. What the BoM in Mosiah 15 calls two “wills” Ethan Smith calls two “natures.” What Ethan Smith describes as the will of the Word and the will of the human nature of Jesus, the BoM calls the will of the Father (Deity) and the will of the Son (flesh). 

Ethan Smith again below explains why Jesus is called the Son, which is because of the flesh. Ethan also explains why the term Son isn’t used to refer to Christ before his human incarnation as a body of flesh. Note that Joseph Smith does use the term Son to refer to the Word in the JST John 1:16, since the Son (as the earth born flesh body) is the image of the Word (which is a conceptual prototype image of the Son as a flesh body) as we saw in Ether 3. Again, see my document The Preexistence, Second Sight, Philo, and Ether 3 as the Medium of Christ as a Prototype "Appearance." Hence, both Ethan Smith and Joseph Smith use the term Son only to refer to the non-literal Philonic form only seen in visions, that only "appears" to look like the future earth-born flesh body of Jesus of Nazareth (born of Mary). 

Now let’s examine pages 45 to 47 of Ethan's Trinity book, where Ethan explains why Jesus was called the Son, as not a title of literal parental procreation, but as a miraculous formation of Jesus's bodily form through the earthly Mary wherein the Logos (of Moses 1:32) took form (words in brackets my own):

Yea, let John, in his introduction of the Messiah, decide the sense of it. God so loved the world, that he sent his beloved and adorable Logos [compare Moses 1:32], who was in the beginning with God and was God, one with the Father [compare Moses 1:6]; but who was now in human nature manifest to his people, as God's only begotten Son. The title under which he is now known, is given; but not the title, under which he was known, or which did apply to his Divinity, when God determined to send him.

The apostle, Gal. iv. 4 [i.e. 4:4-5], affords a clue to explain this point. "But when the fulness of time was come. God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons." – 

I explain what this means for the Son of God to redeem people as sons in my blog series Restoring True Theosis in The Restoration (Blog Series); wherein I explain that God basically replicated His Divine DNA, in accordance with Romans 8:29 (EXB), as Christ is the first Son among many divinely molded human-born Sons (molded into the "noomatic form" of the Divine Genome), who are thus regenerated as resurrected "noomatic bodies" after fully partaking of the divine DNA (see 2 Peter 1:4). Note that here we see that where Ethan speaks of Christians being adopted as sons, that this accords with the following passages in the BoM and D&C:

ye shall be called the children of Christ, his sons: Mosiah 5:7

being redeemed of God, becoming his sons and daughters: Mosiah 27:25

they shall become my sons and my daughters: Ether 3:14

ye certainly will be a child of Christ: Moro. 7:19

all those who receive my gospel are sons and daughters: D&C 25:1

as many as would believe might become the sons of God: D&C 34:3

are begotten sons and daughters unto God: D&C 76:24

 Ethan continues his explanation of why Jesus is called the Son by stating the following (words in brackets my own):

Here, when the time of the promise arrived, God sent his Son. How was the Person [the Logos], who was now sent, God's Son? The passage informs; "made of a woman; made under the law;" to redeem and save. Christ here was made the Son of God, by the miraculous producing of his humanity from the virgin Mary, …This is the plain sense of the above text. And it perfectly accords with the words of Gabriel to Mary; and with the account given of this subject in "the book of the generation of Jesus Christ."

This is exactly what Joseph Smith dictated to his scribes in Mosiah 15: 2-3, “And because he [Jesus the Messiah] dwelleth in flesh he shall be called the Son of God, and having subjected the flesh to the will of the Father [Jehovah], being the Father and the Son— The Father, because he was conceived by the power of God; and the Son, because of the flesh…”

Ethan continues:

Again. "He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all." -- This may relate to the days of Christ on earth, when he was known as the Son of God. God did not then spare him; but "laid on him the iniquities of us all." He, who was presented as God's own Son, must suffer, and be delivered up to death. 

And of course this mirrors Mosiah 15: 5-8

Just as the Book of Ether in the BoM has the pre-earth-born Christ calling himself the Father (because he is God's identical twin genome). On page 74 Ethan Smith writes:

In Isai. ix. 6, Christ is called, "the Mighty God, the everlasting Father." In Jer. xxiii. 6, he is "the Jehovah our righteousness." 

On pages 76 to 83 below, Ethan’s ideas may explain the reason why Ether 15 argues that God Himself, as Jesus, atoned for sins. Ethan Smith argues that a finite and dependent being (a literally descended/derived son of the Deity) could not make an infinite atonement, as only the Deity Himself can do that. But if the Deity himself (God's Logos, see Moses 1: 6; 32) dwells in a human body and is the infinite Deity himself (see Lecture on Faith 2:2) makes atonement then there is an infinite atonement. This is a lengthy quote but worth reading entirely for it explains the BoM on the atonement I think. Words in brackets are my own (emphasis added):

…grace teaches, that God would not have been just, had he bestowed or tendered them on any ground, short of a sufficient exhibition's being made on man's behalf, of justice and righteousness, to magnify the Divine law. Here the infinite riches of grace are exhibited; that God would not only pardon and save lost man; but would be at the infinite expense necessary to open the way for the proper bestowment of pardon and salvation. But could anything be equal to this redemption from hell, and title to heaven, short of an infinite atonement, and an infinite righteousness? A foundation short of this must have been infinitely insufficient for the eternal superstructure, which was to be built upon it. To say, that God might, in order to confer on his Son an infinite honor, determine, that an atonement and righteousness, which a finite Son could effect, should be declared and viewed as of infinite avail, appears preposterous. For it must, after all, appear to the intelligent universe, that the ground presented, as the only foundation of the pardon and salvation of guilty man, is in fact finite. This must of necessity operate to the amazing dishonor of God. ...

The idea, of resolving this thing into the divine sovereignty, or suggesting, that God has a right to say, that the atonement and righteousness of his own finite dependent Son, shall be viewed as of infinite avail, can never satisfy a rational being. For the question will arise, Why might not God as well pardon and save, without any atonement made, or righteousness wrought out, in behalf of man? Or if something done, which is finite, may be pronounced sufficient, why might not an Angel have done the work of the finite Mediator? which work, at God's sovereign word, should be pronounced sufficient for the salvation of lost man? Yea, why might not God as well dispense with all his exhibitions of justice and propriety, in his vast kingdom; and let a system of merely arbitrary words be substituted in their stead? Is not God's infinite authority sufficient to have those words believed, though all his administration be in contradiction to them? Could he not work miracles, and cause all his subjects to believe his contradictory assertions? Many such questions occur to the mind, on the suggestion, that God may say, that a finite Son shall make an adequate atonement; or shall do what shall be esteemed sufficient for the eternal salvation of his Church.

Christ's atonement and righteousness then, must be infinite.

But how could a finite Saviour make an infinite atonement? Yea, how could such an one make any atonement at all? Or how could he work out a righteousness for others? Must not a derived being owe personally to God, according to the immutable religion of nature, as well as of Revelation, all the service, that he is able to render? Every dependent being must owe to God the love and service of his whole heart, soul, strength and mind. How then could the righteousness of a derived being be of avail for any one beside himself? much less of that infinite avail, needed for the salvation of the fallen world? Yea, how could it be "the righteousness of God?" How could Christ be, "Jehovah our righteousness?"

To render a derived Saviour adequate to the work, for which Christ was designed; or to give an infinite weight to his atonement, righteousness, and administration; the advocates for such a Saviour must have recourse to the indwelling of the fulness of the Father in Christ, in this case, the sufficiency of the Mediator is rested on the infinite fulness of Divinity, that dwells in him [see the Fifth Lecture on Faith published in 1835 by Joseph Smith]. But if recourse must be had, after all, to the infinitude of the indwelling Divinity, in the derived Son of God; what is gained by supposing the nature of Christ, that actually suffered, to be superior to human nature? Nothing is gained, except that small addition of merit, which may be supposed to result from the superiority of this derived nature over human nature. But how trifling must this be, when compared with the infinitude of the indwelling fulness of the Father, on which dependence is really made? This infinitude of merit needs no such addition. Infinity of merit must be sufficient without it. Such an addition goes not to the point, on which dependence is finally made, -- the infinitude of the indwelling fulness of the Father. But no Trinitarian doubts but the fulness of the Godhead dwells in Christ [again, compare the Fifth Lecture on Faith]. The Trinitarian rests the infinitude of the atonement on the underived Deity, who dwells in the man Jesus Christ. And the opponent (who believes at all in an atonement) must have recourse to the indwelling fulness of God, in Christ, to render his atonement of sufficient avail. What then has he gained by representing Christ as possessed of a nature superior to all creatures, aside from the indwelling fulness of God? For he does not with this find Christ adequate to the work of mediation, without The indwelling fulness of God. And the Trinitarian finds Christ fully adequate to the work, with the indwelling of his proper Deity, without supposing his created nature to be more than human. 

The sentiment, that to atone for the sins of the world, the sufferings of the Saviour must, in some sense be deemed infinite, most clearly lies at the foundation of the Christian system. "without the shedding of blood, there is no remission." And this blood must be of infinite avail. It must be (as we are taught by inspiration to view it) the blood of God." "Feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood;" (Acts xx. 23.) ...

The suffering of Christ must have been the suffering of God in a sense, that was either real, or constituted. A person really divine either must exhibit himself as capable of suffering, and really suffering for sin; or else he must adopt a creature into such a constituted union with himself, as that both this divine and this created nature shall go to constitute one complete Person: And the sufferings of the created nature shall be esteemed as the sufferings of the whole Person, or the sufferings of God. There is no other possible sense, in which the sufferings of the Mediator can be of infinite avail, as being the sufferings of God. But Christ's sufferings are esteemed the sufferings of God: And his blood is esteemed of infinite avail, as the blood of God. Therefore real Deity did dwell in the man Jesus, in such a sense, as to constitute them One, the Person of the Mediator. This connection of the two natures is a mystery; but it is no contradiction, nor absurdity; it is not above the power of God to effect.

No doubt many plausible things may be said, (if men are disposed,) against the divine economy of constituting such a connexion between a Person really divine, and a created [human/flesh] nature, as that the sufferings of the latter shall be esteemed as the sufferings of God. …

… The relief is too small to be noted, to say, that the derived Person of their Mediator, in whom the Father dwells, is very far greater than human; being formed of the Father's essence! For to what does all the difference between derived natures amount, when compared with the infinite God? Before him all dependent beings sink to nothing! The reliance of our opponents, who hold to a literally derived Son of God, is in fact solely on the Father, exclusively of any other truly divine Person in the Godhead (for they believe in no other) for both the existence, and all the ability of the Son of God to atone for Sin, or to officiate in any of the duties of the mediatorial office. There can be no adequate merit or dignity attending them, but what comes from God the Father. Yet some of our opponents represent the Son as having made the atonement, and as doing all the work of the Mediator. And some of them will admit of it as an infinite atonement; a mediation of infinite efficacy; while to render it thus, their reliance must be on the indwelling, and the infinite fulness of the Father. Do not the same objections then, stated above, apply with as great force to their own scheme? Most certainly! for, did God the Father suffer, in the sufferings of Christ? And if not, how could his infinite fulness and dignity add any weight to the sufferings of the finite Son? But if the opponent can imagine, that the infinite fulness and dignity of the Father can add an infinite weight to the atonement made by the derived and finite Son of God; why can it not as well he admitted, that the constituted union of real Deity (the second Person in the Trinity) with the man Jesus Christ, may give an infinite dignity to the atonement made by him? Why shall the latter scheme, any more than (the former, be represented as a mere pretense? But, may not God constitute a connection between one of the infinite Persons in the Trinity, and the man Jesus Christ, so that they shall properly be called and viewed one? Is not God able to do this? And has he not a right to do it, whatever difficulties or objections may arise concerning it in the minds of fallen man? All connections in creation depend on the sovereign will of God. Suppose God could previously have consulted man, relative to many of these connections; as, that between man's soul and body; that between God's own sovereign, universal agency in the government of the world, (making all things for himself, even the wicked for the day of evil; Prov. xvi. 4,) and the free agency and accountability of man; what would the wisdom of man have replied? Could he have been God's counsellor? Inexplicable difficulties would have appeared. But God has established these, and all other created connections in the* universe. The laws of nature are of his ordaining: and it is in vain for man to object. And no less vain or impious is it, to object to the constituted connexion between the real Deity and humanity of Christ, which unitedly constitute his Person. The union is constituted. It is not essential to either nature. But it was constituted by the sovereign will of Him, who constituted all the created connexions in the universe. Man may repeat the question of Nicodemus in another case, "How can these things be?" This question may be asked concerning some part of every work of God, not excepting the smallest atom; and no man can answer if. Man is of yesterday, and knows nothing

This is exactly what we get in Mosiah 15: 1-7, where Jesus’ human nature is subjected to, as Ethan Smith puts it, “the sovereign will [of God],” a simple formula based on Ethan’s arguments or arguments from others in Joseph Smith’s environment who argued similarly. In Lee Metcalfe’s response to Boyd Kirkland’s presentation, at the 1983 Salt Lake Sunstone Symposium titled, "The Development of the Mormon Jehovah Doctrine 1830-1916," Metcalfe discusses the theological differences between Unitarians and Trinitarians in Smith’s day regarding the atonement. Trinitarians like Adam Clarke, and we can now add Ethan Smith, argued that an infinite being (God) had to atone for sins and that a finite normal man could not do it as the Unitarians argued. Metcalf then argues that the Book of Mormon picks up the debate and has the Book of Mormon character Amulek agreeing with the Trinitarians of Smith’s day by stating, “there is not any man that can sacrifice his own blood which will atone for the sins of another. … [For] there can be nothing which is short of an infinite atonement which will suffice for the sins of the world” [Alma 34:11-12]. Metcalf goes on to argue that:

Amulek’s position is based on the postulation that “For it is expedient that there should be a great and last sacrifice; yea, not a sacrifice of man, neither of beast, neither of any manner of fowl; for it shall not be a human sacrifice; but it must be an infinite and eternal sacrifice” [Alma 34: 10]. Amulek’s theology accommodates the entire spectrum of this nineteenth century controversy. The infinite being is to be the propitiation for His finite creatures. The evidence is compelling that the theology of an infinite atonement as delineated in the early scriptural texts of Mormonism and their nineteenth century counterparts was more than just a statement of an atonement consummated by an infinite God. It was a Trinitarian confession of faith and a fortification of this position against the impending threat of antagonistic Unitarians. By way of recapitulation [or summarizing] Joseph Smith’s early theology of God as depicted in the early scriptural texts of Mormonism; it consisted essentially of Trinitarian ideals. This position is not only explicated in these early texts it is defended.

As we can see, this is exactly what Ethan preached. That God himself (as the Logos) comes down and dwells in the flesh, and God’s Spirit (Glory) subjects the will/nature of the flesh to the will/nature of the divine nature in order to make an infinite atonement. Ethan argues that Jesus is the Father/God and the Logos, the Triune God Himself in the flesh. Early Mormonism teaches nearly the same thing

In Mosiah 15 and D&C 93 we learn that at Christ’s baptism the divine-will fully swallows up the human-will, thus becoming one Divine Gene (or Mono-Species), or one Godhead: which is later clarified in the Fifth Lecture on Faith. This concept of two wills matches Ethan’s concept of two natures within Jesus, making it an infinite atonement as the Book of Mormon argues as well.

I compiled the following excerpts from Ethan Smith’s book below in order to show how he further explains how Jesus is both human and divine (as the Father's divine nature dwells within him while being a seperate human personality as the Logos incarnate). Note that if Joseph Smith was influenced by Ethan Smith's Trinity, this would make sense of the Book of Mormon's Godhead language, as Joseph Smith would not feel the need to clarify that Jesus is the Logos incarnate because he would have presumed his Trinitarian Protestant audience would already read that into the text.

Now for some excerpts from Ethan Smith’s book explaining the Trinity (emphasis mine):

To represent Christ as a being distinct from the Father; and to allow, that he is at the same time called God; is to own two Gods. There is no possibility of evading this charge, till it can be made to appear, that one real God, and one constituted God, do not amount to the number two. To say they are one in spirit, gives no relief; for so are all the saints. To say the two distinct Beings are one in original essence, helps not the case. For upon the scheme of the opponent, they are now no more one in essence, than is a human father and his son. But these are as really two, as are two angels in heaven. There is no evasion of the charge of having two Gods, but by allowing that the Father, and the Divinity of the Son, are equal in one Godhead, and that in some mysterious and essential sense, they are absolutely one God. And we find it a fact, that they are abundantly so represented. And I see not why it should be less offensive to believe in two distinct Gods in heaven, than to believe in one God, mysteriously consisting of Father, Word and Holy Ghost. …

... Christ then, is [Father] Jehovah alone, the God of heaven. Although relative to Christ's humanity, he is made head overall things to the church; and God the Father hath highly exalted him, and given him a name, that is above every name; yet relative to his Divinity he is, according to the clear sense of the above passages, viewed in their connexion, Jehovah alone, the God of heaven, exalted in that day. Accordingly the prophet says, of that very period, Isai. xl. 9-11, "Say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God. Behold the Lord God will come with strong hand, and his arm shall rule for him; behold his reward is with him, and his work before him. He shall feed his flock like a Shepherd, he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young." -- This is Christ coming in his kingdom. Yet he is "the Lord God." The saints triumph; "Lo this is our God; we have waited for him, he will save us." Jehovah is our Judge, Jehovah is our Lawgiver, Jehovah is our King, be will save us. Are all these things said of a derived [descended], dependent being, who is distinct from the Father? Is it such a being alone, who is "exalted in that day?" These Scriptures teach, that Christ in his Divinity, is one with God; and is the great, the living and true God. 

(Pages 101 -104).

Ethan makes it clear that the human body of Christ, his flesh (humanity), is made head over all things and God the Father exalts him (the human Jesus). Yet mysteriously they (Father and Logos made flesh) are one God. Again, this is mirrored in Mosiah 15 where Jesus is “God [as the Logos] himself” come down to “dwell in the flesh,” (vs. 12), and Jesus is conceived by the mysterious “power of God” (vs. 3); and in verse 5 it states that his “flesh becoming subject to the Spirit.” This completely fits Ethan Smith's trinitarian theology.

The following further excerpts can also explain 3 Nephi in the Book of Mormon, and other passages, where the earth-born Jesus and the Father speak with separate voices, yet only Jesus is seen in these passages as there is always only one BODY (or Divine Genome) in the form of Jesus as Jehovah's twin seal that bodily represents the Deity. As Ethan Smith writes on pages 104 – 108 (emphasis added):

[The] Scriptures teach, that Christ in his Divinity, is one with God; and is the great, the living and true God.

Jesus Christ relative to his human body, said, "Destroy this temple; and in three days I will raise it up." "But God raised him from the dead." Christ here decides, that he is God. And he decides that he has two natures in his one Person, divine and human [as the Logos as a human body]; And sometimes he speaks of himself in relation to the one, and sometimes in relation to the other. When he spake, in the days of his humiliation, of his dependence on God, he spake in relation to his mediatorial character, as will be shown. But when he spake in relation to his divine nature, he spake as God. I will raise up this temple of my body in three days. "I will; be thou clean." To the dead, "I say unto thee arise." "Lazarus, come forth." To the stormy lake, "Peace, be still!" To the Disciples, "I will make you fishers of men." "The Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins." "Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, I will do it." "I will not leave you comfortless; I will come unto you." In relation to his humanity, and mediatorial character. Jesus wrought miracles in his Father's name. In relation to his Divinity, he wrought miracles in his own name, and received the praise of it. Should any doubt relative to the correctness of this distinction, between Christ's two natures, let Christ himself decide it. "I am the Root and offspring of David." * Here, in a short clause, he speaks in relation to both his natures.

He is David's Root, and David’s offspring; David's Jehovah, and David's Son; David's God, and David's descendant: David's Creator, and his seed according to the flesh." Can any believer in Revelation doubt whether Christ does possess two natures? And whether this fact together with his constituted mediatorial character, may Solve all the seeming contradictions of Christ's dependence on God; and yet his being himself the very independent God? ... While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them, saying, What think ye of Christ? Whose Son is he? They say unto him, The Son of David. He saith unto them, How then doth David in spirit call him Lord, saying; The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool? If David then call him Lord, how is he his Son?" This reduced them to silence. Christ was both David's Lord, and Son. In his Deity, he was the former; in his humanity the latter. And had the Pharisees understood (and had grace enough to acknowledge) this evident sense of the scriptures concerning Christ, they could have answered his question, with great ease, by saying; Christ's Divinity is David's Jehovah, whom he set always before his face, and worshipped as God. But Christ's humanity is made of the seed of David, according to the flesh: Or, Christ is David's Root, and offspring.

The two natures in Christ are often clearly distinguished from each other, and things said of him, which apply to but one of these natures. As 1 Cor. xv. 27; "But when he saith, All things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, who did put all things under him." Here reference is had to Christ's glorified humanity; that it is the infinite God, who glorified the man Christ, and put all things under his power. Compare this with Phil. iii. 21; -- "the Lord Jesus Christ -- who is able even to subdue all things to himself." The word in the original, in the former of these texts, (importing the putting of all things under Christ) is the same with that in the latter text translated to subdue. Christ, in the latter text is said to be able to do the very thing, which God, in the former text, is said to do. The former text then, alludes to Christ's humanity; the latter to his Divinity.

I might multiply evidences of Christ's proper Deity, till almost the whole scripture would pass in review: But it is needless. …

Paul tells the Corinthians, that he was determined to know nothing among them, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified. But was not the glory of God his object? Jesus Christ then, in Paul's view, was God. To preach Christ, was to preach God. To know Christ, was to know God. Christ was Paul's only object. Yet God was his only object. This accords with the words of Christ, "He that hath seen me, hath seen the Father." …

Christ has two natures in his Person. He is God; and he is man. And he is constituted a Mediator. And in passages concerning Christ, reference is sometimes had to the one of his natures; and sometimes to the other. This is a most evident fact. "I am the root and offspring of David." Here, in the pronoun I, are contained God and man. As God, he wrought by his own power; as man, he wrought by the power of God. 

As we can see this explains all the early Mormon Scriptures where Jesus speaks of the Father, prays to the Father, yet people pray to Jesus, etc. It also explains those passages in the D&C when the resurrected Jesus speaks as the human flesh body, then mid sentence it seems as if the resurrected Christ starts speaking as if it is now Father-Jehovah talking who sends His Son. This would make sense though, if they are one divine genome as identical twins with two distinct personalities and natures (Deity and Logos made human) but act as one God (one Genome). These confusing scriptures are also made sense of by turning to Ethan Smith in these excerpts (emphasis added):

Hence Christ, speaking (as the man, whom the Jews beheld) of the Divinity [e.g. the Deity of Lecture 2:2], who [whose Mind and glory per Lecture 5] operated within him, would naturally speak of this divine person as being the Father; because nothing was done without the Father; and he [Christ] is the Head of the economy of grace subsisting between the Three in the Godhead. The Father would of course be mentioned first, when the Three were mentioned. And he would often be mentioned alone, as expressing the whole of Deity. This latter must be the case, when Christ informs, "The Father, who [His Genome or Mind] dwelleth in me, doeth the works." Other scriptures explain the passage. "In him (Christ) dwelt the fulness of the Godhead bodily." Here we learn the true sense of the Father's dwelling in Christ. The Father here, is the fulness of the Godhead [Note: Lecture 5 says the same thing] ...

… Notwithstanding that the meek and lowly Jesus, in the days of his flesh on earth, and as the man, whom the Jews beheld, ascribed the miracles he wrought to the Godhead under the name of the Father. … No doubt the whole Godhead, who dwelt in Christ bodily, co-operated in all that was done. …

(pg. 166-168).

This again explains why the Book of Mormon did not bother to use phrases like, “The Triune God dwelt in Jesus.” Joseph Smith likely presumed his readers were already familiar with the Trinitarianism of the day (and theologians like Ethan Smith); afterall, Ethan Smith and Oliver Cowdery both lived in Poultney, Vermont while Ethan Smith served as the pastor of the church that Oliver Cowdery's family attended. Cowdery was one of Joseph's scribes, so as Cowdrey took down dictation from Joseph Smith he himself was likely reading into the text the Trinitarian theology of Ethan Smith. Ethan continues on page 198:

Thus I have endeavoured to ascertain, what was the great question concerning Jesus Christ, after he entered his public ministry on earth; that it did not relate to a derivation [receiving from a source] of his divine Person [the Logos] from God; but to the truth of his Messiahship; the Messiah being understood to be God: in what sense Jesus Christ is the Son of God: in what sense he was begotten of the Father: that no benefit results from a supposed derivation [receiving from a source] of Christ's Divinity: that proper Divinity is infinitely incapable of being derived [decended]: that Jesus Christ is God underived: that Christ has a human soul [the Logos?] and body [flesh]: that the Godhead consists of a Trinity in Unity: and that the fathers of the three first centuries, after Christ, clearly testify in favor of the Trinity, and of the proper Divinity of Christ, essentially as now held by Trinitarians.

Instead of using the language here of Jesus having a “human soul and body” and “two natures, divine and human,” the Book of Mormon speaks of Jesus having a human will being swallowed up by the divine will in Mosiah 15. As I argue in my article here, in the early 1830s LDS theology held that the soul was the spirit-essence from God and the human body combined. Thus, in the early Mormon view, Jesus was dwelt in by God the Father's Mind and glorious energy (per Lecture 5) and was also a soul (spirit and human, or the Logos of Moses 1:32 made flesh). In the language of Joseph Smith's contemporary, Alexander Campbell, Jesus is the embodiment of God as the IDEA and His Word (Logos) made flesh. Similar to Campbell's language of God as the IDEA, the Fifth Lecture on Faith speaks of the Spirit of the Father (as the Divine MIND) dwelling in fulness in the Son-Jesus (a body of tabernacle/flesh). Ethan Smith continues:

As Christ is possessed of real Divinity, and real humanity mysteriously united in his one Person; so all the Perfections of God, and all the properties of a perfectly holy man, unite in the Person of Jesus Christ. Accordingly we find them ascribed to Christ. Sometimes the properties of his humanity are ascribed; and sometimes the perfections of his Divinity. In the former case, he is the dependent, circumscribed man. In the latter, he is the independent, omniscient, almighty God; …

The union of the two natures in the person of Christ, and his constituted mediatorial character, furnish a fruitful source of objection and error among short-sighted depraved beings. It is true, things are said of Christ, which at first view, seem a real contradiction.

To afford relief in this point then, let it ever be remembered, that the sacred Oracles do furnish us with three classes of sacred texts, which relate to Jesus Christ.

One class relates simply to his humanity. In this we are assured of his being born of a woman; being a child; being twelve years old; increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man; his hungering, thirsting, being weary; sleeping; being touched with the feeling of our infirmities; being fed, and clothed: and many such things. These things alluded to the "man Christ Jesus."

A second class of sacred texts, alludes to him, as the true and infinite God. This class of texts has been adduced in the sixth section of this book. Here he is the Mighty God; the Everlasting Father; the true God, and Eternal Life”

(pg. 29-130). 

Just as Ethan speaks of Jesus’ humanity, yet Jesus is also the Everlasting Father, so to D&C 93 speaks of Jesus growing grace for grace, etc. In the following excerpt, we again see how Ethan Smith, gives a perfect explanation for why early Mormon Scripture avoids terms like Trinity or Triune God, or the Father and the Logos, etc. For the term Father meant God as both Word and Holy Spirit. And this is why, from the Book of Mormon to the Fifth Lecture on Faith, the only term for the Triune God that is used, is the term Father. Ethan writes on page 115 (emphasis added):

When Christ speaks of the Son of man coming in the glory of his Father, he speaks of himself in relation to his humanity, and to his constituted official character.

The Father in such passages, represents the fulness of the Godhead, Father, Word, and Holy Ghost. But Christ speaks also of his coming in his own glory. "When the Son of man shall come in his glory, then shall he sit on the throne of his glory." And surely, in the 50th Psalm, Christ does come in his own glory, as God. "God is Judge himself. -- I am God, even thy God. -- The mighty God, even Jehovah."

Thus the key factor to understanding the Book of Mormon and early Mormon Scripture is that when one reads of God the Father it can be read as the Trinitarian Deity or Godhead. So when we read the Father and the Son, by Father is meant “The IDEA/MIND, His Word, and Holy Spirit,” and Son refers to the “flesh,” as in the earth-born Jesus of Nazareth. Making this distinction is I think the key to understanding the otherwise confusing use of terms in early LDS scripture

All these ideas conveyed by Ethan Smith could have been absorbed by Oliver Cowdery, who could have had private conversations with Joseph Smith about Ethan’s views on the Trinity. Or when creating the contents of the Book of Mormon, Smith could have known about these ideas within his Protrstant culture, and incorporated them into the Book of Mormon. Thus without even reading Ethan’s book on the Trinity, Joseph Smith could have been influenced by Ethan Smith. This, combined with Sidney Rigdon who likely held a Campbelite view of the Trinity (which was in alignment with Ethan Smith’s ideas), is the most likely interpretive “lens” through which to interpret the Book of Mormon.

The Philonic Appearance of Christ in the Old Testament and Book of Ether as a Holographic Medium

In the LDS book of Moses chapters 3 and 4, Father-Jehovah talks with His Only Begotten/Word (the Philonic conceptual image of Jesus of Nazareth) before Jesus is born on earth in a non-literal prophetic vision. A careful reading of these chapters in context reveals that the Word is not a separate deity from God (Moses 1:6). What we see is that God foreordains the future earth-born Jesus of Nazareth to be the Savior on earth, and the bodily image of this Jesus is a conceptual image in God’s mind, that appeared to the brother of Jared within a vision. This idea was taught by Ethan Smith as well. For Ethan Smith called Jesus the “Son” only in reference to his birth on earth; and Ethan explains that Jesus of Nazareth was in some sense the form of God prior to his birth. As Ethan writes on page 21 (emphasis added):

The Sonship of Christ clearly originates in his being begotten of God [in the flesh]. This is decided by inspiration: Psalm ii. 7 [i.e. 2:7]; "I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee." Find the fulfilment then, of this passage, and we infallibly find the true origin of Christ's Sonship. It is evident that this passage in the second Psalm was a prediction of something then future [compare Ether 3]. The event predicted existed at the time when David wrote the Psalm, only in the divine counsel; It was in the eternal counsel of God, that the second Person in the Trinity should become a Mediator, and be known as the Son of God. In this sense, he was "the eternal Son of God." But the actual event [of becoming the Son], noted in this Psalm as the only ground of Christ's Filiation [parental decent/descended], was then only in decree [compare Moses 1:6]. Ascertain therefore, when and how it was fulfilled; and the true origin of the Sonship is ascertained. But we find it clearly ascertained when, and how it was fulfilled. It was not at some period before the foundation of the world. It was not in the ancient times of the Old Testament. It was when the fulness of time was come for the Messiah to appear. The text is applied by the Holy Ghost, to the time and manner of Christ's coming in the flesh; or his miraculous conception; to his induction into his office, as the Prophet, and especially the High Priest of his people; and to his resurrection from the dead, and exaltation to glory. To the first it was applied, as in a sense literally fulfilled; and therefore in a sense which exhibits the primary reason of the Mediator's being called, the Son of God. … 

As we can see, when the LDS book of Moses talks of the Only Begotten “Son” talking to the Father-Jehovah, this was, like Ethan Smith puts it, in line with the passage in the second Psalm in that it “was a prediction of something then future.” Just as Ethan Smith makes it clear that Jesus is not the Son by way of literal filiation (parental decent) but due to He being Jehovah's Logos incarnate, this accords with the Boook of Mormon in Mosiah 15 where Christ is called the Son specifically because of the flesh (incarnation); while the terms Only Begotten and the Son, when spoken of Christ in Old Testament times, is meant as predictions of the Logos' forordination as the Savior in the flesh

The concept I discussed in my document, The Preexistence, Second Sight, Philo, and Ether 3 as the Medium of Christ as a Prototype "Appearance", that God foresees concepts in his mind before they exist on earth, and how there was a conceptual prototype of the future human Jesus before he was born on earth, is also intimated by Ethan Smith who talks about this idea on page 47 (words in brackets my own): 

Christ … [says] "What and if ye shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before?" He here alludes to his own pre-existent state in heaven. But did he pre-exist in heaven as the Son of man [as a literal human derived from God]? Surely not; but as the Logos; -- one with God, and who was God [compare Moses 1:6, 32]. But being now known as the Son of man [a human in form], he modestly applies this name, by which he was now known, and by which he most frequently denominated himself, to his pre-existent person in heaven, tho' he was never known as the Son of man, till he tabernacled on earth, and was God manifest in the flesh [compare Mosiah 15:1-5]. We say, When king David kept his father's sheep. But he was not king, when he kept them. We say, When king Solomon was born. Yet he was not born king, nor Solomon. But afterward being known by both the office and the name, these are carried back to his birth, when his birth is spoken of. One says, My father was born in such a year. He does not mean, that he was born his father. In like manner, when we read, "God so loved the world, that he sent his only begotten Son" -- "God sent forth his Son, made of a woman" -- the plain meaning appears to be, God sent his beloved Logos, the darling of his bosom, infinitely dear, as one with himself, who took human nature, and was manifested as the only begotten Son of God. 

But such texts do not teach that the Divinity of Christ did literally sustain the filial [literal child-to-parent] relation to God, as having been begotten by the Father, at some period before creation. And we see, from numerous scriptures, that this sense cannot be admitted. 

This is exactly what Moses 4 and the JST John 1 mean when they basically explain that in Old Testament times the term Son is used only in reference to the future earth-born Jesus of Nazareth. Each of these passages are explored here in more detail, where I show that these texts are describing allegorical prophetic visions of Jesus of Nazareth’s future foreordination on earth; and it is only a Philonic "appearance" of Christ being presented as only within God's mind.

Ethan Smith explains over and over in his Trinity book, that Jesus is not literally a son birthed by a literal divine Father prior to earth in the heavens, but that Jesus’ divinity is the ungenerated self-existent second person (or Logos) in the Trinity. On pages 24 -26 he writes: 

If Christ in his divine nature were literally the Son of God, and men ought thus to believe; -- why was not direct information here given, that the Person then in heaven, and who was about to condescend to be born of Mary, was the Son of God?

Why is it said only, that the holy thing to be born of her [Mary] should be called the Son of the Highest, -- the Son of God? This conversation was not calculated to impress an idea, that the Logos then in heaven was the Son of God, as being derived [originating, coming from something] from him [the Father]; but that the time was then at hand, when this relation of Father and Son should be actually formed. God [the Logos of the Godhead] was now about to be to the divine Person [Flesh], who had engaged to become a Mediator, for a Father; and this divine Person [Jesus] was about to be to this Father, for a Son.

The Angel assigns the primary reason, why the Logos appearing in the flesh should be called the Son of God. "The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee [Mary], and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee; therefore also, that holy thing that shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God." …

It was just now hinted, that in the beginning of the New Testament, we learn the sense of the noted passage, Psalm ii. 7, relative to Christ's being begotten of God. Matt. i. 1; "The book of the generation of Jesus Christ." -- i. e. The book in which the true sense of Christ's being begotten of God, is unfolded. Here then, surely, we must look, to find the correct view of his divine generation. But what do we here find? -- an account of the generation of Christ's divine nature, before the foundation of the world? Not a word, which bears the least resemblance to it. But the writer proceeds and gives an account of the genealogy and generation of his humanity; of his induction into office; and his glorification. After giving his lineal descent, he says; "Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise;" and proceeds to note the miraculous conception of his humanity; and circumstances attending; and says; "Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, "Behold a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us." Here is "the generation of Jesus Christ." Who will presume to say, that he has a generation far more ancient, and more important than what is here given? One that respects a literal producing of his divine nature, at some period before the creation or the world? Where is the least evidence found to support such a proposition? I have never been able to discover it. And it does not become man to be wise against, nor above what is written. The celebrated Bishop Horsley upon this subject says. "The Son of God is a title, which belongs to our Lord in his human character, describing him as that man, who became the Son of God, by union with the Godhead."... This is indeed the origin of Christ's Sonship, as is taught in "the book of the generation of Jesus Christ."

The prophet enquires, Isaiah liii. 8, relative to Christ; "Who shall declare his generation?" Upon which some have remarked, that Christ's generation is indescribable; but he has a generation, which relates to his divine nature.

Again, this same idea is expressed in the Book of Mormon in Mosiah 15: 1-5 and also in D&C 93, which scriptures agree with Ethan Smith that Jesus is not a derived being but is the very eternal Father (as Father-Jehovah's duplicate genome) and Jesus as the Logos of the Father is the Son through his glorification in the flesh.

Christ's Form as a Medium of the Father in the Old Testament

Next we see that Ethan Smith attempts to explain why the New Testament says that no man has seen God at any time except through seeing Jesus who reveal's God's image, yet men see a form of God the Father in the Old Testament. Ethan explains this by saying that in Old Testament times they were beholding Jesus' earth-born form as an "appearance" only. Ethan explains that God (as an infinite omnipresent Spirit) manifests Himself through various means (mediums) like a burning bush for example; as well as the Deity manifesting in bodily form in the Old Testament times as a medium (or means or mode of "appearance") as the man Jesus of Nazareth who had not been born yet (as it was only a visionary medium or "appearence"). As I argue in my blog series, what Ethan Smith describes as the Medium of God is the only the "appearance" of the earth-born man Jesus, as a mental blueprint prototype, a Philonic Form in God's mind, and seen only as a kind of "holographic" form through the eyes of faith in a visionary state. As Ethan puts it (emphasis added):

He then says, "No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.” *

[ Footnote “*” here reads: "No man hath seen God at any time." This clause furnishes no objection against the real and proper Divinity of Jesus Christ. Pure Deity is an infinite Spirit, invisible. The Divinity of Christ, and of the Holy Ghost, as well as that of the Father, is thus: No man ever saw the Divinity of Christ, with the bodily eye. But Christ [the Logos] has assumed a medium [of flesh], which men have literally beheld. We see not a human soul [in Old Testament times]. But we see a man by the medium of his [human] body. The divine Logos, when he would appear to man, under the Old Testament, ever assumed some miraculous appearance, as a medium, which man might behold. This [former days "appearance"/Medium/Avatar], as well as his [earthly] body, in after days [New Testament era], was seen [that is the Medium was seen]; while yet it is a truth, that "No man hath seen God at any time." And yet Christ is the true and the great God [as Father-Jehovah's duplicate seal in the flesh]. Christ declared, "He that hath seen me, hath seen the Father also." [Because they are indentical twins/one divine genome] And of the Jews; -- "They have both seen and hated both me and my Father." Yet, "No man hath seen God at any time." The seeing in this latter text means seeing pure Divinity with the bodily eye. But the Jews had seen Christ [i.e. his Medium/"Philonic "appearance"] and the Father, in the miracles and wonders, which had evinced their Divinity and the truth of their doctrines. Those texts then are no contradiction. And no evidence is furnished in them against the pure Divinity of Christ.]

The Logos, now manifest in the flesh, and who has thus become the only begotten of God, he hath declared God. Here John gives the transition, from the Mediator's being the Logos in heaven, one [genome] with God, and really God; to his becoming God manifest in the flesh, and known as the Son of God. John, after this, often speaks of Christ as the Son of God.

(pg. 41-43)

I believe it's possible that this theology inspired Oliver Cowdery and Joseph Smith to expand upon Ethan's concept of God’s “medium" (the mere "appearance” of the earth-born man Jesus) in the Old Testament, being not just a "miraculous medium (like the burning bus) but a spiritual prototype, a Philonic Form of the earthly Jesus, which one could not see with the human eye (what Ethan calls the bodily eye); but had to be seen with "spiritual eyes."

This "medium" explanation by Ethan Smith would explain passages like 1 Nephi 11, where the “spirit of the Lord” is heard by the character Nephi in a vision and he says in verse 11 (emphasis added):  “And I said unto him, to know the interpretation thereof; for I spake unto him as a man speaketh; for I beheld that he was in the form of a man; yet, nevertheless, I knew that it was the spirit [medium?] of the Lord; and he spake unto me as a man speaketh with another.” In other words, Nephi saw the “medium” (Philonic avatar/"appearance") of Christ, that was a conceptual medium only. Thus Nephi sees the not-yet-born Jesus in the “form of a man,” yet he also knows it is the “spirit of the Lord,” meaning it is only an appearance/medium seen in a vision through spiritual eyes. Nephi then writes in verse 12, “And it came to pass that he said unto me, look: And I looked as if to look upon him, and I saw him not; for he had gone from before my presence.” At this point an angel visits Nephi and he begins seeing the spiritual/conceptual forms of things that didn't yet exist but would in the future. Just as the Lord “showed unto the brother of Jared all the inhabitants of the earth which had been, and also all that would be; …” (Ether 3: 25). This is because Nephi and the brother of Jared, through being in a visionary state (being caught awaynin the Spirit) "spiritually" entered God’s prescient mind (as the Book of Moses explains); for God foresees all things conceptually in his mind before those Philonic forms are physically made on earth. Then, while experiencing the vision the angel says to Nephi, “Behold, the virgin which thou seest, is the mother of God, after the manner of flesh.” Note that Mary (the virgin) hadn’t been born yet, so Nephi is clearly seeing in a vision the conceptual form (or medium) of Mary, the future mother of Jesus. This made clear when Nephi looks within the vision and in verses 20-24 he beholds the virgin again, “bearing a child in her arms. And the angel said unto me, behold the Lamb of God, yea, even the Eternal Father![”] …And after that he had said those words, he said unto me, look! And I looked, and I beheld the Son of God going forth among the children of men; and I saw many fall down at his feet and worship him.” (Source: 1830 Book of Mormon). It is clear that Nephi is not seeing the actual form of Jesus of Nazareth here, but only a Philonic representation (a medium/form) through his own imagination or "spritual eyes" through God's omnicient power which he experiences within the vision (caught away in the Spirit). The brother of Jared undergoes the same type of experience in Ether 3.

So how can Nephi see these things when Jesus had not even been born yet? It is because he was seeing a spiritual/conceptual version of future events. In this visionary state, he can see and even converse with the earthly Jesus before he was born. We see this in 2 Nephi 31, where the Son (meaning the flesh-born-body of Jesus per Mosiah 15), which is clearly the Logos, speaks in Old Testament times as "the Son" alongside the Father, which clearly implies the "Son" here is the medium/Philonic form of the Logos appearing (in this case speaking as) the future earth-born Jesus. 

After arguing that Christ is Jehovah the Eternal Father, in several passages, Ethan Smith argues that the resurrected Christ was the appearance or visual form of God before his incarnation, as we see on page 90 below emphasis added):

The [New Testament] apostle says, of Christ's pre-existent Divinity, "Who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God; but made himself of no reputation, and took on him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of man." Here Christ, before he came in the flesh, and before we have any account of the Father's dwelling in him or of the Spirit's being given him without measure, was existing in heaven, a distinct Person [the Logos] in the Godhead, and viewed himself equal with God. Is not this testimony decisive that Christ is God? The form of a servant, in the above text, is a servant. The likeness of man, is a man. And the form of God is God. Christ was in the form of God; and he thought it not robbery to be equal with God. But if the highest nature of Christ were derived [decended] and dependent, it must have been infinite robbery in him to have claimed equality with God! …

Reading the above passage may have led Oliver Cowdery to influence Joseph Smith to say that if Christ is the form of God, then perhaps God’s body itself (in Old Testament times), is the Philonic form of the earthly Jesus. This Philonic realm of conceptual forms in God's mind would later be articulated in the Book of Moses, when Joseph Smith worked with Sidney Rigdon, a former Protestant theologian. 

So to summarize so far, the ideas of Ethan Smith were likely “in the cultural air,” or Cowdery presented Ethan Smith’s ideas to Joseph Smith as his scribe. The combination of Rigdon’s Campbelite background (and Rigdon knowing Alexander Campbell's Trinity of "God the IDEA and His Word") and Ethan Smith’s concept of Christ as the Eternal Father with two natures, and the Logos manifesting the Godhead prior to earth in various mediums, explains The Book of Mormon's Mosiah 15; Ether 3; 2 Nephi 31; 3 Nephi; and 1835 The Lectures on Faith; wherein you have the one Deity and His Logos (Word of God), with the Holy Spirit being refferred to as an “it” (as a poured out, infilling, fluid energy) all throughout The Book of Mormon and Lecture 5, just as Alaxander Campbell often did. Note that as I explain here, early Mormonism distinguished between the Holy Spirit (a fluid substance) and the Holy Ghost (the third Person in the Godhead).

It is highly probable that Oliver Cowdery would have known about Ethan Smith’s book on the Trinity or heard about it when listening to one of Ethan Smith’s sermons he attended. The Book of Mormon appears to combine some of Ethan Smith’s theory about the Native Americans (from Ethan's book View of the Hebrews) and his view that Jesus is both the Eternal Father and the preexistent “medium” of God as the Word, with a human and divine nature as the Son (flesh). These ideas I think are mixed in with the Campbelite Trinity and the ideas of other Alternative Trinitarians.(see Jesus and the Father. The Book of Mormon and the Early Nineteenth-Century Debates on the Trinity by Clyde D. Ford). Thus, Smith was borrowing from and expanding upon the ideas of those around him and forming his own hybrid Godhead.  

Note: The source of the quotes in this chapter were taken from Ethan Smith’s book on the Trinity available online at: All the quotes were taken from the 1824 edition.

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