Friday, September 9, 2022

The two phases of Joseph's Mormonism: From more Protestant to more Hebraic

Phase 1 (1829 - 1837): The Communitarian Zion Phase:

> The restoration of the hebraic hero spirit (Joseph as "one like unto Moses") within a modified Protestant theology.

> The revelatory Christ speaking through his messenger Joseph Smith Jr, just as he did with Paul.

> The restoration of Christ's authentic Ekkkesia.

> Millennial expectations

Phase 2 (1838 - 1843): A more robust restoration oh the Hebraic Spirit 

> A less imminent millennial expectation. 

> A more spiritual interpretation of Zion, working within the capitalistic system. 

> The restoration of hebraic Eros

> The affirmation of earthly materiality and the reproductive body through a solomonic structure. 

> A masculine lionizing exuberance within the Nauvoo Legion for self defense, to match the hebraic heroism in the Book of Mormon.

The Meaning of Emergent Mormonism as Midrash & Scriptural Art (Blog Series)

  • The Emergent Paradigm: This post explains how I interpret Mormon scripture through Marcus Borg's historical- metaphorical paradigm and John Spongs' midrash and mysticism views of Scripture.

  • Defining "Emergent Mormonism" as a New Religious Approach & Spiritual Path [Coming soon]

Links to Articles on the New Testament as Parabolic Scripturalization (or Midrash; a.k.a Figural Reading) which can help better Understand Mormon Scripture through similar Interpretive Lens:

  •  Midrash and the New Testament: A Methodology for the Study of Gospel Midrash by Miguel Pérez Fernández. See page 367 of the ebook Pdf here. If link does not work, search Google for the book The New Testament and Rabbinic Literature: Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism, Editor Hindy Najman Volume 136.

Recommended books on the New Testament as Midrash

On Mormon Scripture as Parabolic Scripturalization (or Midrash):

Joseph Smith as "inspired eclecticist" and the Book of Abraham as bricolage, according to Terryl Givens (off site)